Capitolo Primo (I)

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Capitolo Primo (I): Bentornato A Casa | Welcome Home

Along the golden streets of the Reim Empire walked a slender figure, her ebony locks contrasting greatly against the golden hues of those belonging to the people around her. She found herself in a bustling marketplace, clear silvery blue eyes scanning the piece of paper in her hands and then glancing upwards. Her confusion was evident in the slight downward tilt of her lips and creased eyebrows as she continued to look from left to right and back again, evidently trying to look for something in particular in her spot amidst the throng of gold. Taking one last glance at the paper -which was apparently a map, given the many lines and names of some landmarks- the figure began moving once again, trying to get away from all the bumps and glares she received from just standing in the middle of a busy street.

The figure found herself walking into an alley that, although was well-lit, was incredibly quiet and isolated in comparison to her previous surroundings. She continued to look down at her map, which was obviously poorly drawn, as ebony strands began to fall over her slightly tanned shoulders. 

"Is this even the right way?", she mumbled to herself, clearly frustrated at her inability to decipher the written puzzle in her hands. She honestly could not understand how one person can mess up a map so badly. Despite her spoken reluctance and uncertainty she continued down the alleyway in hopes it was the right way. 

After walking along her path for a couple minutes, she had a vague impression that she was being followed. The ravenette attempted to continue going her way, but she couldn't shake the feeling away. She promptly began to feel her pulse increase in an unspoken panic when she heard footsteps, only to turn around and find nothing. 'What the hell..', she furrowed her eyebrows as she quickly turned around and quickened her pace. The blue eyed woman was in no mood to get ambushed or robbed in an alley, seeing as it seemed far too typical for her tastes. But more importantly, she just really wasn't prepared to defend herself at the moment. 

Her quickened pace eventually became a run as she continued to hear footsteps successive to her own,  yet finding nothing behind her whenever she looked over her shoulder in panic. Her breathing became labored as she approached a corner, 'Damn, I really hate running', she thought between pants and worried glances she shot over her shoulder. 

However, while she was glancing over her shoulder, she failed to notice the large figure that suddenly appeared in front of her as she rounded the corner of the alleyway. She gasped as a powerful force, which seemed to belong to the figure in front her, pulled her closely. Noticing she was about to scream, a large hand covered her mouth rendering her voice inaudible. Knowing there was no way she would allow herself to die like this, the woman lifted her arms - which had been sandwiched between her and her captor's body- to attempt to push them away and maybe even beat them up if she could. Nonetheless, her attempts to remove herself from her captor, which she deduced to be male granted by his physique and strength, ended in vain once again. 

Her body seemed to freeze over as she felt her captor's body rumble against her as he chuckled, 'Oh my god. This guy is actually enjoying this?!',  horror evident in her eyes. But as her captor's chuckles became loud laughs, her eyes widened upon recognition of the deep, yet smooth voice as she looked up in search of a face.

"Calm down Aella, it's just me", her jaw dropped as her "captor" looked down at her with an amused smile. She put her arms back down to her sides, which had previously been resting against the figure's chest due to her attempts to push herself away from him. The ravenette proceeded to take a step back, as the male released his firm hold on her, taking in his appearance. Red hair and red eyes with distinctive markings, a piercing below his lower lip, and the typical golden gladiator garb. There was no doubt about it, the man in front of her was...

"Muu...", Aella breathed out, seemingly still shocked. However Muu wasn't paying attention to her shocked state as he erupted in laughter once again. "You'd think you would've gotten better at running after being away for ten years, but apparently not", Muu remarked as his head was thrown back to allow his laughter to pass through his throat easier. This quickly snapped Aella out of her daze as her hands clenched into a fist and she grit her teeth.

"Excuse me if that hadn't been my priority while I was gone", she huffed. Aella's head suddenly snapped up as she recalled what he first said to her upon her "capture", "and what do you mean 'Calm down"?! Who in the sane world would be calm when they're being chased?" she inquired incredulously. 

"I wasn't trying to chase you. Not exactly anyway. I was trying to find you and I wasn't sure if that was you." Aella stared at Muu with an expression that clearly said 'Are you stupid?', but refrained from actually saying so. It had been ten years since she last saw Muu after all, and after taking another scan of the muscular man standing before her she had to admit that upon first glance she may not have recognized him immediately either so she really couldn't blame him. But of course, she wouldn't actually admit that out loud.

"Well whatever", she sighed, "But how do you explain that crappy map you sent me?", raising her eyebrow as she threw him a questioning glance. After years of knowing Aella, Muu knew she was changing the subject to preserve what pride she had upon her arrival back to Reim, but decided  against pointing it out, finding that the costs outweighed the benefits.

"I don't think it was that crappy. You almost made it anyway." Muu saw the relief wash over Aella's tired eyes, obviously happy she didn't have to work her body more than she already had. Muu  had sent Aella a map he had drawn leading from the docks to Lady Scheherazade's palace, in other words, their home. While Aella had been away, Lady Scheherazade decided that it would be better to move the palace to the port city of Narpolia rather than the capital, Romano, to ensure that the Reim people had control over their paths. 

"That's great to hear," Aella smiled, "but what are you doing out here looking for me? You're usually with Lady Scheherazade." Muu was immediately reminded of his purpose, and as all thing concerning Lady Scheherazade went, he became more serious, setting their joyous reunion aside for some other time.

"Lady Scheherazade wants an immediate audience with you in order to discover what you were able to learn in Sindria and the Kou Empire."


A/N: Well that's the first chapter! Please review and let me know what you think :) And i just want to thank natashainwhite and MeiNyx for inspiring me to write a MAGI story ^~^

Just some pointers:

Aella's pronunciation: It's basically as if you're saying the letter "a" and then adding "ella"

"Aella" meaning: "Whirlwind" in Greek

I decided to make the chapter titles in Italian seeing as the Reim Empire seems to be based off of Rome and Aella's name's in Greek not Italian because I was thinking about mythology, and Roman myths aren't as intricately named as Greek myths (no offense of course)

I'm aware that some people say "Leam"/ "Leim", but I am going to follow the way it's written on the wikia page ^~^

And I made the cover myself using PhotoShop ;3



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