Capitolo Sei (VI)

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Capitolo Sei (VI): Stesso Vecchio, Stesso Vecchio? | Same Old, Same Old?

A boisterous laugh filled the marketplace where Muu and Aella were standing, pulling them out of their embrace. Muu turned around while Aella peeked over his shoulder curiously in order to find the source of such an amused laugh. However, the sight that greeted them was unexpectedly expected.

Aella giggled behind Muu as said Fanalis just facepalmed. 'Ah...Well if it isn't my favorite soon-to-be-couple', she thought mischievously.

A little ways away from the two stood a victorious Myron and a defeated Lo'Lo on his knees with a look of emptiness and absolute dread. Rolling on the floor next to him was the source of glee that caught Muu and Aella's attention.

"Who's that? The young one rolling on the floor?" Aella asked Muu, moving next to him and nudging his arm with her own.

Muu chuckled to himself, recovering from his facepalm, "That's our newest recruit, Jarrah. As you can see, he's rather...rambunctious. And to make matters worse, he looks at those two as his role models", he replied, clearly glad at having recruited such an entertaining character. "Our Fanalis Corps has really grown into a true military power since you've been away. You'd love them", Muu turned to Aella, smiling excitedly.

'More like a big family', Aella thought, amused at the picture it created in her mind.

Aella returned his smile, "Well if they're anything like you, Myron, and Lo'Lo it's practically guaranteed I'll like them. Plus, I feel like I'm going to become the best of friends with this Jarrah kid", she stated, giving a wolfish grin.

Muu raised an eyebrow at the devilish look in her eye, letting out a soft laugh. 'Tough luck, kid. Tough luck', he thought, shaking his head.

The pair began to walk towards the trio who had, by this time, resulted to arguing. 'Well, at least I know that not much has changed with their personalities since I've been away', Aella laughed softly. As they continued their trek, a thought occurred to Aella.

"Say, what do you think they're arguing about anyway? I'm kind of getting a weird feeling from it", Aella shook away the shivers she felt go down her back.

Muu snorted, "Oh, it's probably nothi---".

The male Fanalis was cut short as they approached the trio, finally at a distance where they were able to hear what Myron and Lo'Lo were butting heads about this time.

"How dare you accuse me of cheating, you primitive ape!?"

"Oh admit it Myron! You knew she was coming! There's no way you could've been that certain that he was with a girl who's been gone for ten years, instead of some new babe! There was a higher chance it could've been any other girl!"

"Did you get more brain damaged at the Colosseum last night? Obviously the chances of it being another girl is close to zero since Brother hasn't been seen once with a girl he was interested in   these past ten years", Myron emphasized, pulling down her cheek to make her eyelid stretch out while she stuck out her tongue.

At this, Aella glanced bemusedly at the increasingly flustered man standing next to her. He was still smiling - as always - but had a nervous tick in his cheek that made his lips twitch, as sweat slowly trickled down his temples.

"Just because the captain wasn't seen, doesn't mean nothing happened!", Lo'Lo pointedly remarked, Jarrah nodding his head behind him.

"Oh please. Even I didn't think you could be this stupid. Everyone knows that Aella is the only girl that my brother has ever---", Myron was cut short at the sound of Muu clapping his hands together, giving them a closed-eyed smile.

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