Capitolo Cinque (V)

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Capitolo Cinque (V): Migliori Amici | Best Friends

The younger of the Alexius siblings was walking amongst the people in the marketplace - greeting and conversing with the townspeople who approached her with respect and timid adoration - when she heard what sounded like battle cries from quite distinct and familiar voices.

She approached a cheering crowd that was surrounding what seemed to be two men who were brawling in the middle of the street, judging by how they formed a circle around them and were screaming out violent encouragements to whomever it was they believed would be the victor. And much to Myron's disdain, once she pushed through the throng of people she found the two culprits were none other than Lo'Lo and Jarrah. Jarrah being one of the newer, feistier Fanalis Corps recruits.

She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in hopes of keeping herself from doing anything that would shame her brother. Taking a deep breath and putting on a big smile, she clapped her hand together, saying "Now, now guys. You shouldn't do such primitive things." The younger Alexius stood there with her hands together waiting for the ruffians to stop. But with each passing moment in which they didn't, Myron grew more and more irritated, her hands forming into fists, and a low growl starting to erupt from her throat. The townspeople, knowing their "princess" of sorts, took several steps back, anticipating what was coming.

With a single frustrated roar, Myron grabbed the back of both males' collars, who were running towards each other, and slammed them face first into the stone ground.

"Quit being so barbaric, damn it! You're disgracing my brother's name!" she roared loudly.

She was about to resume her "lady-like chastising" when something caught her eye. She looked up and saw her brother tugging along some beautiful woman behind him. But that wasn't what really caught her eye – what woman wouldn't be enchanted by her wonderful brother, it was only natural (even though it has never actually happened). 'That dress...looks familiar', she thought as she eyed the beautifully crafted garment that could not be mistaken for another due to its original and unique design.

By this time, Lo'Lo and Jarrah and gotten up, curious as to why Myron's trademark tantrum was halted so quickly. Looking up at her face, albeit a bit hesitantly for fear of being punched by the female Fanalis, they turned their heads to look at what diverted her attention away from them – thankfully. Both males squinted in order to see what it was that had caught Myron's attention and after a moment of staring, they looked at each other, grinning stupidly.

"Ohoho," Lo'Lo's chuckled roughly, hanging an arm around Myron's shoulders, "looks like the captain's finally letting loose and getting a girl", he smirked.

Myron swatted his arm before turning to him, "Oh come on. You know Brother only has eyes for Aella, whether he acknowledges it or not. It's so obvious", she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder as if reciting a well-known fact.

"Who's Aella?" Jarrah asked from behind Lo'Lo.

"Then how do you explain the woman he was with and the fact that the damn workaholic actually took a day off from serving the Lady?" Lo'Lo challenged, ignoring the new recruit.

"Brother isn't as fainthearted as you when it comes to women," she growled out, butting heads with the source of her indignation, "Don't disrespect him by grouping him with your kind. And Aella was different to him. You should know that since you've actually seen them together."

"Uh...hey guys?" Jarrah drawled with a hint of frustration, standing in front of both of them in order to be acknowledged. However, unfortunately for him, it didn't quite work out.

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