Capitolo Tre (III)

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Capitolo Tre (III): Un Giorno In Piu | One Day More

Compromise. As defined, it is an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. Each side. Aella's journey had been a compromise.

On her side of the agreement she was allowed to venture out into the world to do some soul searching, however, seeing as she had no natural ties to the Reim Empire, the Council argued against an answer that didn't respond to the two choices they had given her of leaving for good or staying for good. Thus, in secret the Council had ordered her to do surveillance on the legendary Kingdom of Sindria and the fast-developing Kou Empire.

"It's wonderful to see your safe return back home, Aella", Lady Scheherazade stated as she turned to walk towards the main room.

Muu and Aella took this as a signal to follow, "I'm glad I'm back in one piece, honestly. There were times when I wasn't sure I would!" Aella roared with laughter

"Reckless as always I see", Muu joked.

"Well, of course! Where's the fun in journeying the world when you're just going to tiptoe on the sidelines! I say just dive straight into the middle!" Both Muu and Aella grinned at one another with mischievous glints in their eyes. "And plus, Muu, you were like that before, weren't you? If I recall correctly, you caused Lady Scheherazade quite a bit of trouble when you went on your escapade to the Dark Continent..." Aella smirked while feigning a wondering look.

Muu's face suddenly began to match his vibrant hair and equally vibrant eyes when her words sunk in, "H-hey, how do you even know about that?! I'm sure Lady Scheherazade wouldn't—Wait. You didn't tell anyone did you?" Aella, however, just winked while she skipped onward towards her adoptive mother, leaving Muu is a blabbering, yet somehow simultaneously speechless, state.

As she arrived at Lady Scheherazade's side, looking back at Muu with extreme amusement, she heard a quiet voice beside her, "You shouldn't embarrass Muu so much right when you've just returned, Aella. He did miss you. And I'm sure it was the same for you."

Aella looked down sheepishly at her mother's chastising, "Well it's exactly for that reason that I can't help but mess with him. We were so close when we were kids...I was really dreading the thought that my time away would've changed that."

Before any more could be said, they had reached the main room where they were to speak about the other side of Aella's journey.

"Muu. Would you mind waiting for Aella out here? I'm afraid she wouldn't know where to go after this, and I have a meeting with the Council", Lady Scheherazade requested of the man who had reassembled his dignity enough to bow his head and turn away from the door, a sign that meant he respected her request for privacy. However, in reality he was curious as to why since he had been aware of the circumstances of Aella's journey. However, as the captain of the Fanalis Corp and a servant of Reim's Magi, it was his sole duty to obey her will. At least, that's how it was for him.


Aella heard a loud, echoing slam as the double doors closed as she turned to the golden Magi with a curious look. "With all due respect, Mother, but why did you not let Muu into the room? I'm sure he knows. I mean, he was the one who told me that you wanted to debrief me."

Lady Scheherazade had her back to Aella, looking out a large window behind her throne-like seat -for she refused to allow people to call it a throne due to her strong belief that it was the people, not her, who ruled- at the bustling town beneath. She truly looked like a divine being, with her already golden hair reflecting the rays of the setting sun, creating an outline around her petite frame. "I believed some things from your journey are better left unsaid until you deem it to be the right time", her soft voice almost unheard as a soft breeze blew in from smaller windows that were opened across the room, bringing in the salty scent of the ocean.

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