Capitolo Sette (VII)

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Capitolo Sette (VII): Non Di Nuovo | Not Again

Aella sat behind Myron, fixing the female Fanalis's hair into her trademark half updo, while they chatted along sitting on the large stone seats in the Colosseum, as the members of the Fanalis Corps began to assemble in the center. The two young women watched as some of the Fanalis began to get bored, which resulted in picking minor brawls with each other while some cheered them on and others even joined.

"Tch, what a bunch of ruffians", Myron scoffed flipping some of her hair over her shoulder.

"I don't know," Aella chuckled, "to be perfectly honest, I find them to be quite refreshing - and amusing of course", she defended as she finished working with Myron's hair.

"That's because you haven't been forced to spend practically every waking moment with them", she mumbled back, moving to sit behind Aella to braid the ravenette's hair now.

Aella adjusted her position slightly so that Myron could fit behind her comfortably. "Well, that's certainly true. But even you can't deny that it must be nice having them around, Princess", she replied teasingly.

"Psh, 'Princess' yourself, Aella", Myron scoffed back.

After not hearing any further remarks from the hot-headed Fanalis woman, Aella grinned in satisfaction, now focusing on the feeling of her hair being gently tugged into a braid.

A moment of silence passed between the two, with the chattering of the Fanalis Corps below them when Myron finished Aella's braid. "So....", she began as she tied the end of Aella's braid with a white string.

"Hmm?", Aella replied absentmindedly, gazing at the star-filled sky.

Myron moved beside her, peering at her face and asked, "...Have you thought about marriage yet?"

Flabbergasted, Aella turned her head away from the sky with a slight frown on her lips. "Marriage? Why in the world would I be thinking about that, Myron?", she laughed, astonished at her friend's inquiry.

Myron started laughing along with Aella, "What do you mean 'why'?! You're 27 for crying out loud!"

Aella let out an exaggerated gasp, replying, "Are you calling me old, Myron? That hurts." She frowned and clutched her chest in mock-pain, letting out a laugh when Myron lightly punched her shoulder.

"Oh, shut up, Aella. Come on. Tell me there's no guy you've met in the past ten years all over the world that you've at least been slightly interested in", Myron said, looking at Aella doubtingly.

The woman in question tilted her up and put a finger to her chin, pretending to think about what Myron said. "Hmm...Nope! Not even one", she laughed.

Myron stared at her before bursting into a big grin, "Well that's great then!"

Aella was about to reply when she realized just what Myron had said, looking at her weirdly. "What? I thought-- But you said-- Wait, wait, wait. If me not having an interest in a guy is 'great', then what was the point of this conversation again?"

Without replying, Myron just smirked at Aella and leaned back, giving her a knowing look. However, Aella wasn't satisfied with her silence as an answer and continued to ask Myron what she was thinking.

Unfortunately, after five minutes of attempting to get Myron to say something other than "Oh nothing~" or "In due time, Aella, in due time", the metallic blue-eyed girl finally relented. She slumped into her seat with her back leaning against the step-like seat behind her, and folded her arms, obviously bitter at Myron's unexpected stubbornness and secrecy on the matter. 'I don't understand what could possible be so secret about my own love life', she thought exasperatedly.

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