Capitolo Quattro (IV)

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Capitolo Quattro (IV): Il Giorno Prima Che Sia Tutto Finito Ancora Una Volta | The Day Before it's All Gone Again

The weather was perfect today. Aella knew it before she even woke up from her long slumber, based off of the feel of the sun, whose rays seeped through the curtains, and the light breeze that came through the window she left open last night. Or maybe it was Muu who opened it for her, knowing she liked sleeping with fresh air circulating. Aella honestly had no idea. After being dismissed by Lady Scheherazade, she had entered into a state which paralleled some form of a drunken stupor.

This state of unconsciousness and insensibility had left Muu wondering if she had been like that on her journey. And if she had been...well, it's very fortunate that she was back safe and sound. As long as he had known her, Muu had no doubt that Aella brought drowsy to a whole new level.

Muu actually had been the one to open the window. Along with getting Aella into the right room. And putting her to bed. And making sure she was sleeping not dead. He had really begun to wonder how she came back in one piece, but he was glad nonetheless.

Aella sat up in bed and sighed in content at the feeling of the warm yet cool ocean breeze after stretching. "Today would be a good day to go out", she lightly smiled at the thought of enjoying herself in her homeland with her long-awaited friends. However, her smile was soon replaced by a frown as she looked down at her hands, which were resting against the light blue sheets of her bed, "And it would probably be the best way to...break the news to them." She sighed deeply, "Why did it have to turn out this way?", she questioned, holding her head in her hands.

After a few moments, Aella lightly slapped both of her cheeks, deciding that her self-pity party had gone on long enough. With determination in her eyes, she got out of bed to get dressed for the day, finally deciding on what she needs to do. 'I'm going to make the most of today before I have to leave again! No regrets!'

In all honesty however, Aella had no idea how long her mission would be this time around, so she didn't know how to go about making sure she had "no regrets" before leaving in one day. Would it be a couple weeks to which she could return as if she were never gone, or will it be for years to which she'll return practically a stranger? Not knowing was the problem. At least if she knew she could do something to make the whole situation easier.

She sighed in frustration at the situation she unfortunately found herself in. She finally drew in a breath and exhaled in resignation, 'It's for Lady Scheherazade, Aella. It's for Reim, Aella. You can do this again. One more time. Just one more.' She closed her eyes while she continued her mental mantra, breathing steadily. Aella had always been one to put Lady Scheherazade and Reim before herself, she owed her adoptive mother at least that much. However, despite this, she still felt something nagging in the back of her mind: She didn't want to leave.

This, of course, surprised her, seeing as she had significantly less problems when she had left before. So why now? The obvious answer was that she didn't even get to really reunite with her childhood friends and even meet any new members Muu had picked up to become part of the Fanalis Corps.

Muu. Aella looked up into her bronze Cheval mirror at her sterling blue hues. Seeing him certainly caught Aella completely off guard. And that was the understatement of the century. He just looked so different; so...mature.

The thought of Muu mature made her chuckle. For as long as she could remember, he had always been a temperamental child- sweet, but temperamental all the same. He must have grown up while she was away, 'It's about time', she thought as she scoffed amusedly. When she left at the age of seventeen, he had been nineteen, so Aella supposed that would've been around the time he had begun to "mature". She just wished she could've been there to see it happen.

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