Capitolo Otto (VIII)

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Capitolo Otto (VIII): Giorni Nautici | Nautical Days

Footsteps could be heard on the hollow floor of the ship's deck as the sharp ringing of bells sounded, signaling the appearance of land in the distance. It was only just past dawn, but Aella had bounded for the bow of the ship the second she heard the deep echoing of bells, giving rushed greetings and apologies along the way. Reaching her destination, Aella squinted her eyes in hopes of seeing the beautiful, and quite legendary, island-kingdom of Sindria. Although Aella had the chance to visit said kingdom, she ended up becoming quite disappointed since the famed Conqueror of the Seven Seas and his Eight Generals seemed to be missing. Hence, her fruitless hunt for information on Sindria and it's movements.

The ravenette sighed as she relaxed onto the wooden edge of the bow, taking in the fresh, salty smell of the ocean below her. She wrapped her shawl around her, feeling the chill of the early breeze as she gazed at their long-awaited destination.


Muu awoke to the sound of bustling footsteps, knowing it could only mean one thing: they were getting ready to dock. Resting his forearms on the floor, the redhead lifted himself up to glance over the cot that was situated next to him. Due to his unexpected and sudden decision to join Aella, the crew wasn't able to accommodate him fully. But luckily, the two didn't have a problem rooming together in the cabin that the captain had prepared for Aella - even though he had to sleep on the floor - because of their sleepovers as kids. Muu was relieved to find that she hadn't grown out of that careless comfort she had around him and Myron.

Now looking over said girl's bed, Muu smiled, realizing that she was one of the bustling footsteps that had woken him up. After strapping on his aurelian armor, Muu leisurely walked up to the deck - no rush in his step.

He walked at a lazy pace, yawning every once in awhile, and with a slight drag of his feet. As he drew nearer to the deck, he could see the bright yellow glow the sunlight was creating off of the ship's shiny surface. He heard the liveliness of the crew in their preparation to dock.

Amongst all the sounds and the blinding sunlight, he managed to see her - to see Aella leaning up against the rim of the ship in an awe-inspired daze.


Getting to be much warmer, Aella had discarded her shawl and rested the palms of her hands on the wood of the ship as she leaned over to look at the ocean. Although she would still be surrounded by the ocean when they docked onto Sindria, experiencing the movement of the waves as they carried you somewhere had always been what the ravenette truly loved. And, in a way, she'd miss it once she got onto land. Probably an effect from all those years of traveling and voyaging the world.

She closed her eyes, feeling the ocean breeze gently caressing her cheeks and the warmth of the sun seeping into her skin; listening to faint clamor of crowds on the approaching island.

"You'll fall that way, you know", keeping her eyes closed, Aella smiled gently at the deep voice that appeared next to her. If there was once phrase that could sum up their voyage together, it would those six words.


Aella stood on the bow of the boat leaning over the moving waters with only a rope to keep her from falling. She had heard of many stories, particularly that of Sinbad, depicting the hero doing this exact same thing. So, needless to say, the young woman felt inclined to try it...but it was easier said than done.

The ravenette found that the wood of the bow wasn't exactly a smooth platform and that the unpredictable waters of the ocean were quite difficult to deal with when trying to find your balance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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