Capitolo Due (II)

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Capitolo Due (II): Il Guardiano | The Guardian

"Lady Scheherazade wants an immediate audience with you in order to discover what you were able to learn in Sindria and the Kou Empire."

Aella couldn't get the phrase out of her head as she and Muu made their way to the palace. It had been a couple minutes since he had said that, but the deepening of his voice and the darkening of his eyes was still the focus of her mind. The lightly tanned woman's eyebrows knitted together as she chewed on her lip, 'Does Lady Scheherazade know what happened? Oh who am I kidding, of course she does! She's a Magi for crying out loud', she rolled her eyes at herself and put two fingers to her temple to keep herself from facepalming. 'But...does Muu know?' Aella contemplated the chances that Lady Scheherazade had told Muu as she glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

However, before she could process what she had just wondered, let alone entertain the thought, they had reached the palace.

Aella was, to say the least, impressed with how the ivory stone of which was used to build the tall columns and the building itself, made it look like the palace was shimmering in the fading light of the setting sun, creating an almost heavenly glow. And upon further inspection, Aella could see that it was fashioned to look similar to the houses that the majority of Reim's people owned, portraying Lady Scheherazade's place within the people, not at all above them. The newly built palace represented the splendor and radiance that Lady Scheherazade personified, along with the modest ideals she believed in.

It's because of these ideals that Aella believed that Lady Scheherazade was one of the most respectable magis to have ever been bestowed upon humanity. It was not simply out of sheer patriotism that she felt this way, but it for the Magi's ability to have complete control over the people, but chose to let them control themselves. In her eyes, Lady Scheherazade, with her divine powers and innate position of authority, was so much more. She wasn't some tyrant who abused her power, nor was she a self-crowned monarch. The high position she sat in as High Priestess of the Reim Empire was a position that humans had so fervently wanted her to have out of love and reverence, not one she gave herself in order to broadcast her irrefutable authority. Her belief in her people is what led Aella to decide to remain in Reim when she was given the choice to leave.

A small smile graced upon Aella's lips at the thought of Lady Scheherazade, which only grew larger when she spotted her at the top of the stairs. Aella nearly sprinted up the stairs as Muu followed close behind, albeit seemingly at a leisurely pace. Once they reached the top, the captain of the Fanalis Corps bowed down onto one knee gracefully, Aella following suit soon after

"Lady Scheherazade", they both said, lowering their heads. The subject of their respect sent a curious glance towards Muu, a thought occurring to her. Fully looking back at their bent forms, she gestured for them to rise, speaking as the two youths leveled themselves with the Magi.

"You've been away for quite some time, Aella", Lady Scheherazade stated lightly, a small smile playing on her child-like features.

"Yes," Aella beamed up at her "but I'm finally back, Mother."

Of course "Mother" didn't refer to their shared blood, but rather their bond to each other. And seeing as Aella was twenty-seven and Lady Scheherazade was hundreds of years old -with her real body so heavily affected by the passage of time- it was simply impossible for her to bear a child; equally impossible, Aella was clearly not a clone with her black hair and silver-blue eyes. Lady Scheherazade was more of her guardian, having taken Aella into her care upon finding her abandoned in the streets of Reim twenty-one years ago, but was called "Mother" during special occasions or affectionate moments on Aella's part.

For the past ten years, Aella had been traveling around the world, searching for nothing in particular but everything all at the same time. Being sheltered and growing up without knowing who she was or where she came from for twelve years played a big part in her decision to journey around the world. So, at seventeen years of age, Aella was called to an audience with Lady Scheherazade who gave her the choice to stay in Reim or to leave in order to find her "truths". Thus, she asked for a compromise between the two: to travel for a couple years in order to see beyond the walls of the palace and the borders of the empire, but she soon found that seeing the world in all its wonder and horror would take much longer.

She delved deep into the different cultures and languages almost immediately after setting foot into foreign lands, particularly Sindria and Kou. Aella had always had a love for the way people could believe in so many different things, yet remain roughly the same person as the next. She had a deep appreciation for these differences because they made people unique and not uniform, but she wasn't foolish enough to believe that others would feel that way. However, despite knowing that, Aella wasn't prepared to see just how much differences pulled people apart from each other. 



You know, honestly, I'm not much of a planning/outlining kind of person, so you could say I was kind of stuck in where exactly I wanted to go with this story. But I believe that I have a rough idea of what I want to do. Now the only thing is actually writing it cx I'm sure all writers know the feeling of knowing what you want to write about, but don't know how to write it step by step lol

I PROMISE I will try my HARDEST to write more frequently than once every four-five weeks T^T' I am now back in school, so that means I have more motivation than to just watch anime and I actually have a sense of work ethic and time management in my life (plus, vacation isn't stealing me away from my computer anymore).

Thank you for understanding :) Much love <3

*IMPORTANT* : Yes, I did change the span she was gone from seven years to ten years because for some reason I thought I read that Muu was 19, but he's actually 29  cx so that allowed me to be more flexible about Aella's age :)

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