Contests and Karaoke

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Your Perspective

Tranquil. If you had to describe waterfall in one word, that would be the word you would use. Well, that or beautiful—both seem equally fitting for the place you find yourself in. The air around you is still and silent except for the distant gurgle of rushing water, giving the area the peaceful feeling of a Zen garden. This feeling is enhanced by the soft glow emitted large blue flowers that are dotted along the walkway, and the bioluminescent water that you can see glowing in the distance. Within seconds of teleporting here, you can already feel your eyelids growing heavy, lulled into a contented laziness by the dim lighting and serenity of Waterfall. You nearly fall over before Sans decides to intervene.

"Hey there," he says, grinning as he nudges your shoulder. "As much as I love afternoon naps, we've got a party to go to, remember?"

"Right," you yawn, wiping at your eyes. If you strain your ears, you can hear distant voices echoing cheerfully off of the cave's indigo walls. Knowing that they must belong to your friends, you take a step in the direction they're coming from.

"Hold on," Sans says, gently grabbing the back of your shirt. "There's something I want to show you."

"Yeah?" you ask, your curiosity piqued.

"Look up."

You blink in confusion, but do as he asks. Your heart skips a beat as you catch sight of the crystals that litter the ceiling high above. There must be millions of them, and they're so far away that they're nothing more than distant pinpricks. You'd noticed similar crystals embedded in the ceiling above Snowdin—it's their glow that provides the Underground with light—but these... they're in a completely different league. Their blue glow is much stronger than the white ones above Snowdin, and against the near-invisible shadow-strewn ceiling, they almost seem as if they're hanging in mid air.

"Wow..." you breathe. "They're just like stars."

"Wanna take a closer look?" he asks, chuckling at your awe-filled expression. You can't say yes fast enough. He grins and saunters over to a telescope that's set up against the wall, giving it an affectionate pat before leaning casually against the wall. "Knock yourself out."

You peer through the telescope's lens, but you can't see anything—everything is red. You pull back and give Sans a strange look, before swiping a finger against the lens in question. Your finger comes away covered in red dust... probably dried paint of some kind.

"Y'know," you say, putting a hand on your hip and smirking, "if you're trying to prank me, that was a pretty sad attempt—it would probably work better if the paint were wet."

"What?" Sans asks you, looking genuinely surprised. "What d'you... oh. Oh! Whoops, I, uh... completely forgot about that. I used it to prank the kid a while back, and I guess I forgot to clean it up afterwards. That, uh... wasn't intentional. Sorry about that."

As he rubs the back of his spine, you can't help but find the bashful look on his face incredibly endearing.

"Hey, it's no biggy," you say, silently laughing at his discomfort. "Was Frisk's reaction worth ruining a telescope over?"

"Definitely," he says, pulling away from the wall. "She didn't even notice—it was hilarious."

You're about to say something, but your phone interrupts again. Apprehension gnaws at you as you pull it out (the last thing you want is to be bombarded by more creepy voices), and you glance at the caller ID. It's Alphys again. You don't bother to answer, seeing as you already know what she's calling about.

(Sans x Reader) When Two Souls MeetWhere stories live. Discover now