August 27th Update

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So, I just found out the Wattpad offers writing contests, and... well... I JUST WROTE AN ENTRY FOR THAT CONTEST!

Of course, this being Wattpad, it is, at its core, a popularity contest. The judges only look at them AFTER people have voted like crazy on them. And, seeing as I entered late (today was the second to last day), I'm a little bit behind. So... you'd be doing me a HUGE FAVOR if vote and comment on it. It's a short story, and it's called "Everything is New Again."

Whether you read it or not, thank you for your support guys. You're all awsome. Just thought you might want to know that.

Author's Note

        Hey guys! Before you go "What?! It's just an Author's Note? This sucks," let me tell you this--THERE IS A NEW CHAPTER! (Two, actually.) They're just... not in here. I was originally going to make them the last chapters before WTSM goes on hiatus, but then I realized... that they're perfect for the new one-shot booklet that I'm releasing today. And so... instead of posting it here, you can find both of them here:

        But don't leave just yet! As some of you may know, today... is my birthday! And so... I have three gifts for you. One, my face reveal. For today and today only (or... I might extend it to tomorrow, just so everyone gets the notice in time), my profile picture (on Quotev) is actually my real face.

        Two! The one-shot booklet is finally being published, after three weeks of development! YAAAAAY! So, again, check out that link above to go and take a look at it. The booklet is an ongoing project, and so I will be updating it as often as I can with both your contest entries, and my own personal oneshots. And, just so there's no confusion, all of MY oneshots are technically official chapters of WTSM. So, again, WTSM isn't really on hiatus, but is instead being exported to this new story. So if you want to continue getting chapters of WTSM, I suggest you favorite the one-shot booklet. ;-)

        And... three. (Note how unenthusiastic I am about this one.) I, uh... I wrote a parody of "Still Alive" from Portal for all of you guys. Yup. Because... I don't even know. I love all of you, and I just kinda came up with it while I was singing in the shower, and... yeah. So, I'm going to post that here for you. Because... um... why not? (Zana is cringing as she writes this.)

        The Original Song (cover by me):
        Aaaand my super cringy parody of it:

        (I know... it's awful. But whatever. I made it, so I might as well post it.)

        That's it, guys! I probably won't be publishing anything in WTSM for a while, so if you want to stay in touch with ZanaTale, I suggest you follow these two stories: The oneshot booklet ( and My Greatest Experiment (

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