Creation of a Nightmare (Part 2: What Hurts the Worst)

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! So, uh... before we start, I just wanted to apologize for how long it took for me to write this. I prioritized MGE this time around, so I didn't start writing it until later. And then, I had my AP homework to consider and stuff, so... yeah. :P

Oh, and one more thing. This chapter should be fine for all of you to read. There are a few more mentions of self-harm and suicide, but all the terribly gruesome stuff is over with. So don't worry—none of you should have any real reason to skip this one.

That's all! Have fun! (I can't wait to blow some minds... hee hee hee...)

*Evil laugh*

Your Perspective

Now, after watching Chara jump, you have to get a break, right? You're going to wake up in the void, a very angry child standing over you with a kitchen knife and a taste for blood. You have to. If you keep going like this; if you're forced to relive more of Chara's awful memories, completely unable to interfere... you're going to go crazy.

But to your dismay, there's no break forthcoming. You'd asked for this. It was your decision to dive into Chara's head. And now... you're going to have to see it through to the end.

Your soul singles out another memory out of Chara's ocean of pain. And, to your surprise... it's not a bad memory. Ironically, in her ocean of pain... there's a small drop of hope. But then, that may not be a good thing.

After all... there has to be hope for there to be despair.


Everything hurts. Every single atom of your being is throbbing to the time of your heartbeat, bruises and cuts alike dotting your exposed skin. That's how you know that you're back in Chara's body. You can't help but wish you were a ghost again—if you were, you'd have the luxury of being non-corporeal.

You're laying face-first against something smooth and cool—probably rock. Beyond that, though, you don't know anything about your surroundings. Chara's awake, but just barely—she's in a daze of pain and confusion, and hasn't bothered to so much as open her eyes. You don't blame her—your shared head is aching so badly that even processing these small thoughts is painful.

Well... you think dully, at least she survived.

This specific brand of pain is something that you're, unfortunately, very familiar with. The aching, the bruises, the lingering butterflies in her stomach, the disorientation... it brings back memories of your own fall into the Underground. Or, in her case... her attempted suicide. You'd been lucky enough to land on flowers, though, if you remember correctly. You briefly wonder why Chara hadn't landed on them...

You're not really thinking straight. The pain you're in is causing you to focus on all the wrong things. You should be asking more questions. Like, for example... is Chara okay? You don't think she has any broken bones, but the throbbing in her head could be serious.

Chara shifts slightly from her place on the ground, as though testing out her muscles. Even that small movement brings a wave of agony, though, and she whimpers in pain. You get the feeling that she would have screamed... but she just doesn't have the strength for it.

'Why... why am I still here?' she asks herself numbly. 'I don't... I don't want to be here.'

She whimpers again. This time though, it's not from pain. Well, not a physical pain, at any rate. (Though there's plenty of that.) No. This time, it's her soul that's crying out.

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