Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Kian's P.O.V

"Good night Kian" "I love you" I heard her say it! She still loves me! Well why wouldn't she? She's still my wife.

I stood up and started pacing around. I put my hands in my hair. Why did I do this?! "Fuck!" I screamed punching the wall leaving a hole.

I sat down on my couch and put my face in my hands. Tears started to fall down my face. I can't do this. I have to go back to LA.

"Kian?" Andrea said. I looked at her and stood up "you are reason that we are getting a divorce! I hate you!!" I yelled at her. Why was I yelling at her?

"No Kian you are the one who kissed me! I kept kissing because I am still in love with you" she put her hands on my bare chest. I pushed them off and glared at her "well I am not in love with you. So get out" I pointed to the door. She looked so upset.

I heard my phone ring and I ran to it. It was Nikki. What?

From Wifey😂😍❤️

Listen Kian. I woke up just thinking about you so just listen don't even respond.

I'm filling in a divorce. You've cheated on me more then once and it just isn't going to work. I love you but now I realised you is badddd. Byeeee.

That's not Nikki. Nikki doesn't say stuff like that and she calls not texts me when she's upset. Someone took her phone.

I'll call her tomorrow.

Nikki's P.O.V

"Hey wake up" I heard while someone shook my shoulders "Whatttt" I groaned and opened my eyes. Why was Taylor here?

"Taylor what are you doing here?!" I said getting up and turning on the light "I wanted tot talk to about Kian" he sat next me on the bed "why?" He put his arm around my waist "what?! No get off me!" I pushed his arm away.

"I texted him for you so you could get a divorce" he held up my phone up. I quickly grabbed it and saw what he texted, "what the fuck Taylor get out!" I stood up "how did you even get in here!? Like what why did you do this?! Why!!" Taylor stood up with me, "the door was unlocked so I walked in." I slapped him. Hard.

"Get out now!!" He walked out and I grabbed my phone. I needed to call Kian.

"Hello?" He said
"Kian! Oh my god I didn't type in that text"
"I know"
"No please liste- wait what?"
"I know it wasn't you" I sighed in relief
"Ok" he chuckled
"Why are you laughing?" I laughed with him
"Because. You're cute" he made me feel like a teen.
"Mhm Kian?"
"You're such a dork"
"I love you too"

I looked at the time and it was 4:26 am. Me and Kian have been talking on the phone for a while and we are still talking.

"Skyla misses you. Like I miss you"
"I miss you to babe"
"Ok. I forgive you"
"Wait really?!"
"Yes. I mean I love you I can't see life without you" I smiled
"I'm coming home early"
"What why?"
"I need to see you."
"No Kian stay at New York"
"I can't. I love you I need you"
"Good night Kian"
"Good night baby. I love you"
"I love you too" I hung up and went to sleep.

I woke up at 12:03 pm and I shot up to see Skyla. I can't keep leaving her she could get hurt or hungry. I ran downstares to see her. She wasn't in the living room "Skyla?!" I ran to her room she was in her room playing with her dolls.

"Hi mommy" she said when she saw me "hi sweet heart. Are you hungry?" She nodded "ok well let's go get some pancakes from ihop." She jumped up and smiled.

"Ok get ready and then we'll go" she nodded and I walked up stares to get ready. I took a shower and then got my clothes on. I blow dried my black hair. Yes I dyed my hair black. I kinda want to dye it blond.

I did light mascara and then walked downstares to see Skyla watching tv "Skyla you need to stop watching tv all the time. Do something else" I said and I got her shoes so she can put it on.

She put it on and the we walked out of the house. I locked the door and then put Skyla in her car seat. I hopped in the car and turned on the car then drove off to ihop.

We walked in and was greeted by a waiter "table for 2?" I nodded and he walked us to our table. Me and Skyla sat down and looked at our menus.

"So how can I help you young lady's with?" He asked and I pointed to Skyla "I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes" then he turned to me "how about you beautiful?" I looked at my menu "I'll have the regular pancakes with a side of eggs and hash browns with sour dough toast and a fruit bowl" he wrote it all down.

"I'll get that right to you." He winked at me "wait!" I said before he turned around. I rubbed my forehead with my left hand "I'll have an ice tea with my drink" then I handed with our menus with my left hand.

"Look if you're married then just tell me" he looked down. I felt really bad after words "why did you order so much food?" Skyla asked and I chucked "I'm pregnant remember? I have to feed 2" she nodded.

"So Skyla I wanted to talk to you about your dad" "we are flying to New York tomorrow!!" She jumped up and smiled "really?!" She screeched "yes!!"



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