Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

1 week later

It's been a week and I still haven't felt a kick. I don't think I should be nervous because Dr. Marry said he was fine. Skyla has been at her friends house all weekend for a birthday party thing. She's actually starting to like school.

Me and Kian were sitting on the couch watching tv while I had my legs on him. I turned to look at min and he was already looking at me "what?" I said and he smiled "how are you?" He asked casually "fine.. Why?" He started to laugh "I never ask how you are soooo how are you" I smiled.

"I'm great. How about you?" He smiled as well "I'm perfect" he leaned in to kiss me. We both started to lean in and then a sharp pain in my lower stomach stopped me "ow!" I moved my legs off and grabbed my stomach.

I winced in the pain and Kian put his hand on my back "baby are you ok?" I nodded "yea I just- ow fuck!" I looked down and my legs were wet.

I turned to Kian "Kian" his eyes widened he stood up and pulled out his phone. I think he was calling everyone.

After he did that he helped me up off the couch "alright baby you've done this before. Let's do it again" Kian said rubbing my back and walking me to his car.

There were steps at the door and Kian picked me up "Kian I'm to heavy" he shook his head "my queen deserves to be treated like a queen" I kissed his cheek and he put me in the car. I felt another sharp pain.

He got into the car and started driving fast. He put his hand on mine and I squeezed it hard "breathe baby" I took deep breathes. Soon the pains started to get closer and closer.

"Kian I c-can't!" I gripped his hand harder "we're almost there babe. Hold him in we will be fine" Kian started passing all the red lights and stop sines I thought we were going to get pulled over.

We reached the hospital and Kian ran in there and then him and nurses came out with a wheel chair.Kian picked me up and put me in the wheel chair. Then the cops came and pulled right behind kians car.

They came out and Kian ran inside with me. The cops didn't come with but Kian held on to my hand "this is what we've been waiting for" Kian said trying to calm me down.

We went into the room and they put me in a robe and then hooked me up to everything. Kian dressed in his nurse suit which made him look hot as fuck. Besides the point...

I felt one big contraction and winced in pain and groaned in pain. Kian grabbed my hand and I think I ripped his hand off on how hard I was grabbing his hand.

Dr. Marry came in and started the process "ok Nikki I need you to push really hard" I pushed as hard as I could "you're doing great Nikki. Give me another push" I screamed in pain and pushed hard.

I started to feel dizzy "come on baby you can do this" Kian said rubbing my hand "ok Nikki we can start to see him. Push!" I pushed harder and harder "I can see the head! Push!" I pushed again and then the room started to get blurry.

"Good good. Last one!" I pushed again and then I heard crying "baby you did it" Kian said and kissed my head. He put his hand on my head and started to rub my hair.

"I love you Kian" and smiled weakly "I love you more" the nurse handed the baby to Kian. Kian looked at him with tears in his eyes "it's a boy" the dr. Marry said.

"Let me see him" I said to Kian. He handed him to me and I stroked his head "I'm your mommy" I said "what are you going to name him" the dr said "Christopher Robert Lawley" Kian said smiling.

It's been an hour and we only let a few people in. Jc, sam, Jenn, and my dad were aloud in. I had Christopher in my arms while Kian was laying in the bed with me.

"Can I hold him" my dad asked and I nodded. I handed him Christopher "where's Skyla" Jenn asked "at a friends house" she nodded. Kian wrapped his arms around me. His head was in my chest and I was playing with his hair.

"Baby" he said "yea" he scooted up "I love you so much" he kissed me "I love you too" I said pulling away. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head in the crook of his neck. He pulled me close.

"I'm so glad that in married to you" I said and kissed his neck.


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