Chapter One.

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As a little girl we lived next to the beach, me and my mother. Our house was right next to one of the most beautiful beaches in the country, Laguna Beach.
I fell in love with her beauty very soon, and as been since then my main source of inpiration.
I often went there and sat next to the sea writing. When I was there my creativity exploded.
Maybe that's the main reason why I became a writer, always had that in my advantage.
I never met my father and when I was seventeen, my mother died and left me the house, the one I never left.
In her memory, I decided to write my first book and that same book became my first best-seller.

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up, the sun was already shining through my window. I opened my eyes, gave a deep breath and smiled. "I'm not going to answer that." I whispered.
I don't know why I have that thing, I never use it and when people call me I always let the answer machine answer for me. "Hey! This is Kate Wilkerson, I'm not at home in the moment so please, leave a message after the beep!" I giggled and then closed my eyes to hear the messege.
"Hey Kate, aaaaaah It's Carl, again! I know you've been avoiding me, but we have to talk about your book. I mean, I'm not trying to pressure you Kate, but you have to finish it! And let's be honest, you gave me nothing on the new book! Name, plot? No, nothing! Just call me back soon, or stop by the office. Yeah, okay, Bye Kate."
I covered my face with a pillow and then throw it against the phone.

In my contract, I still have to deliver one more book. One more book and I'm moving on with my life. My writing skills are not what they were when I was young, even thought I still go to the beach everyday and seat next to the sea, it just doesn't seem to work anymore. The Inpirstion is just not there anymore. It just becomes harder and harder to come up with new ideas.

I get off of the bed and walk downstairs to the kitchen, one of the advantages of living alone is that you can walk around in underware because no one will judge you. I prepare my morning fitness cereals and take it to the living room, I seat on the couch and open my Macbook at the same time I eat.
On my desktop there's a text file named "untitled", I sigh and then open it, I sigh again when I read the only thing I've written is "Chapter one".
"You don't scare me." I say throwing the Macbook to the right side of the couch, "I'll write you." I said then taking another spoon of cereal to my mouth.

After I'm done eating, I go upstairs to my closet, I pick a white shirt and black jeans, I put my hat on and grab my bag.
I walk to my rooms window to close the shades, I could already feel the hot say it was outside just from being near the window. Before I close them, I look through the window, I see this beautiful beach, empty, no one comes here, I almost never see no one here but me. Its a shame, people don't know what they're losing. I close the shades putting my room in complete darkness.
I slowly exit my room and go downstairs to exit the house, but first I go to the living room to pick my Macbook up. I put it inside my bag and then finally exit the house.

It was a normal mid July summer day, burning-skin hot sun, and almost absence of wind.
I start walking to the beach, as always empty and can't help but to focus on the calm blue water with almost no waves... I fall in love with it everyday.
I take my shoes off and put one foot at the time on the hot sand making me quickly start to run to the shadow made by the cliff who was next to my house.

I extend a towel in the sand and seat there, I put my bag next to me and then stare at the blue water of the Laguna beach. It's so beautiful.
I close my eyes and give a deep breath to smell the salty sea.
"Okay Kate, focus, what are you going to write about?" I whispered to myself.

My light bulb turned on inside my mind after a few minutes of thinking and I started writting. "Yeah this could actually work!" I said smiling while I wrote the idea on my note book.

Something disturbed the beautiful and peaceful sound of the little waves blowing against the sand.
I look to my right and I see someone photographing the beach. "Finaly someone smart." I thought to myself.

I focused again on what I was doing but that photographer was talking to himself and seriously annoying me.

"Okay, great shot!" He yelled and then spinned around in the sand. I adjusted my hat and I politely called for him. "Excuse me, sir?". The man got scared and gave a little jump, "Wow, Hey, I didn't notice you were there! Aaaah, Just taking some photos here. Yeah." He said started to walk in my direction. "What are you doing?" I asked when he got next to me. "I'm... Just... I, aaaaah, I'm just taking some photos of the beach, for work... Yeah." He said scratching his head.
I smiled and asked "You should wear a hat, you were talking alone over there, Californian sun is no joke." He looks at me surprised, smiling.
He seats on the sand next to me, he looks at me intrigued and puts his hand up reaching for mine. "Hi, I'm John Dexter." He says smiling.
I shake his hand and say "Hello. I'm Kate Wilkerson.".
He never stopped smiling! He was kinda pretty but he looked sloppy, his hair was dark brown and was messy and he had those big green eyes. "Nice to meet you Kate. What are, you doing here?" He said after finally stopped smiling.
"I'm working." I said nodding my head a little. "Working?" He asked confused. "Yes, I'm a writter and I'm trying to finish my book, I really need to focus! So if you could just..." I said trying to ask politely for him to leave.
"You want me to leave?" He asked, I nodded yes and whispered "Sorry.". He said "Oh no, it's okay! I have to continue my work so..." while he stood up.
He started walking and he stumbled, he fell to the sand and I giggled, he quickly stands up and turns to me, "I'm okay!" He said.
"What a character." I thought.

I decided to go home to work on this new idea. It was too hot today to be here working and for some reason I had black jeans on me. Very Smart Kate.
I packed my things and started walking home.
I Stopped and Gave one more look at the sea before I turn my back to him.
Walking home I passed by that man again, John, he was leaning on his car seeing the photos he took.
He was smiling at his photos and laughing. He was funny.

I entered home and locked the door, put my bag down and took my Macbook out.
Sat on the kitchen counter and placed the Macbook there. "Okay, let's Start." I said to myself. I started writing and didn't even stopped to eat. This got to be it.
This is going to be my next and very much problably my last book. I can't screw up this.

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