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You peeps, here's another one shot!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but good news, I'm officially on my summer vacation!
Less good news, I'm flying to Italy soon with my family...

When I return from the I'll have a lot of free time, and the time that I will post it will probably be more comfortable to you, as here, where I live, it will be nighttime, while where you're living it probably daytime... the only thing I've based it on is tge fact that all the YouTubers that me and you guys love to watch posting there videos at night over here and I have to watch them like 14-16 hours after they came out...

So yea, I'm rambling...

To the oneshot!


Sub P.O.V

I sat at my 'home' alon, well you can't really call it home, it's a partly hidden, isolated, park bench... So anyway, I was sitting there thinking about partly my past, partly what and when is my next meal is going to be.

Sorry, I didn't introduced myself. My name is Sabrino Zero Extabyte, sub for short. I'm 17 year old, homosexual male. I'm mute and blind in one eye. I wear a white shortsleave shirt under a green shortsleave hoody, and long gray jeans. I olso a bandage over my blind eye.

Those are the only clothes I have, seeing as I live on a park bench. The reason I live on a park bench is fairly simple. I was kicked out of my home by my parents. The reason that I was kicked out is a lot less simple.

To short that for you I will give you the facts and not the whole story, mainly because there's this garbage, Porolady~Author, have attention span worst that a dog with ADD... (leave my attention span out of it Sub! He wasn't lying though, I really do have the attention span worst than a dog with ADD...)

So my parents never loved me couse I was born mute. Their love for me even lessened when a kid at school threw a rock at me which made me loose my eye. When they found out I was gay they literally threw me out the door and yelled at me to never come back. That's basically it.

Now I'm actually tired, so I think I'll go to sleep.

As soon as my head hit the bunch of leaves I used as a pillow, I was out like light.

Brotato P.O.V

I was taking a walk in the park to calm myself after my roommates almost drove me crazy.

Hi my name is Tyler Christy. Munchingbrotato is my nickname, and TotallyTosty is the YouTube channel I have with my roommates, Kyle and Brad. (I don't really know if they are roommates, but go with the flow please...)

I'm an 18 year old bisexual male. I like to wear gray and faded red checkered hoody with white undershirt, blue jeans and red shoes. (I don't know the difference between shoes, they all look the same to me...) I also have glasses and braces on my teeth, a total nerd, I know.

I was walking to the more isolated part of the park because I actually wanted no one to bother me.

As I got there, what I saw made me stop in my tracks. On the bench, sleeping, was a boy who looke around my age, mabey younger. (Is that correct grammar? English is my second language, and in my language if you translate a sentence, but don't change the order of the words in it, the sentence-
The big red balloon, comes like-
The balloon the red the big... lol)

The boy looked extremely underweight, and his hair was tangled and overgrown, the clothes he was wearing looked like they were overused and looked a little too big on his small body. He himself looked like he hasn't showered, had a proper meal or a bed to sleep on in weeks. And with all that the first thought I had when I saw him was 'cute'.

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