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Sorry, it's not part tow, but this suddenly came to my mind and I was scared I would loose it...

And I have a writer's block on the middle of part two...

Anyway, ENJOY!

Ship: TBNRfrags (Preston) x Bajancanadian (Mitch)
~did I get their ship name right?~


Mitch P.O.V

I was taking a walk around the village to clear my mind of things.

The snow falling around me made me feel relaxed and at peace woth myself.

My roommate kicked me out of the house because he found out I was gay.

At the moment, he is at our home, upset about the fact that he had to share a living space with a 'faggot' as he calls that.

He didn't seem to have trouble with me as we moved in together... He is just a homophobic jerk!

As I was walking passed an alleyway, a hand grabbed me and pulled me inside.

I was having the worst time of my life.

Cactus pleb P.O.V

I was on my way home after a trip to a small bakery.

I got some goods for me and my roommate Rob.

Rob and I are currently bff's seeing as he accepted me as gay, and I accepted him as a transgender.

Yes Rob is a transgender. His, or hers, original name is Rose, (Technically my mother's name, but it's the translation... my mom's name is Vered, but it means rose in English...) but he changed it long before I met him to Robert.

Suddenly I heard a faint, far away, scream.

The scream sounded like who ever was it that was screaming was in a lot of pain and agony.

Being the person that I am, I immediately ran towards the scream, even though it was in the opposite direction I was heading.

When I got to the area where I heard the scream coming from all I saw was a deserted street.

I walked around, trying to find where the scream came from.

As I looked passed an alleyway, I heard a faint, choked, sob coming from the inside.

As I got in to the alleyway, what I saw made me almost drop my bag of goods.

There in the snow, laying, was a young man, about my age, curled into a fatal position, shaking, naked and covered in blood.

It was easy for me to realize what probably happened here, seeing where most of the blood was coming from.

I soon as my mind got back to work, I ran to his side and touched his shoulder lightly.

"No... No more..." I heard him say in a small desperate voice. "It hurts so bad..."

"I'm not here to hurt you, I want to help..." I said in a soft tone, as to comfort him.

At that he relaxed a bit, but still was tensed.

I touched his shoulder lightly again, and he was freezing to the touch. I guess I should've realized that seeing as he was naked in the snow and shivering.

I then lightly touched his cheek, to make him look at me.

I let out a small gasp as he opened his eyes. They were in the most beautiful, caramel, shade that I ever seen.

And I sat there, eyes locked on his, for a short moment until a small shiver made him close them again.

"What's your name?" I asked him softly.

"M-M-Mitch..." He answered, voice shaking from the cold.

"Well I'm Preston, nice to meet you." I said with a small smile. "Do you allow me to take you home with me so I can take care of you and you won't freeze to death?" I asked in a soft tone, to which he replied with a small nod ofhis head.

After that, I took my coat off, immediately wrapping it around his small naked form.

I picked up the bag I got from the bakery and placed it in his hands. "Can you hold this for me? It's worm and I can't hold it while carrying you..." (I bet you people forgot about the bakery goods, e? I didn't, I'm very hungry...) To which he again responded with a small nod.

(I'm laughing so hard right now, cuz in my language, the word 'nod' is another word for 'fart' so yea... I imagined him letting out a small fart as a response, and I was on the floor...)

I picked him up, surprised at his light weight, and began my journey home.

~Time skip after the walk!~

Mitch P.O.V

We got to the hot stranger's, Preston, home.

Honestly, after what happened, I sorta hope that he is a murderer...

As we got in, I heard a voice yelling. "Preston, what took so long?"

After my experience, I knew I was traumatized, and that the voice wasn't directed at me, but it didn't stop me from curling further into Preston and burying my head in his neck.

I heard footsteps coming towards us, and peaked slightly to see a feminine looke guy looking at us.

"Sorry it took so long but as you can see, I had a small delay..." He said softly, as to not scare me further.

(Sometimes my fingers start to twitch a little, and as I was writing it, the twitching coused 'but as you can see' to appear as 'butt ass you can see'... lmao)

The guy must've picked up on the fact that I was terrified, couse he softened his voice next. "What happened?"

At that Preston took me to what I presume is the living room, placed me on the couch, and too the bag that he told me to hold, and left the room with the other guy.

~time skip for 3 years, I'm hungry, tired and lazy...~

It's been 3 years since the worst yet best night of my life happened.

In that night I was kicked out of my house by my roommate, I was raped, and I almost froze to death.

But if all that didn't happen I wouldn't have met the love of my life.

He had rescued me from the snow and allowed me to stay at his house.

Earlier today he proposed to me.

I said yes!

I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with my hero, my savior, my guardian, the love of my life.

I'm ready to spend the rest of eternity with you Preston.


That was so sweet...

Welp, I'm over here, writing this at 2:04 am, and I'm super tired...

Please comment for my tired mind making weird connection, and being weird in general...

Love ya peeps,

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