B.M.S chapter ten

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I've been alone all day. Nobody has returned my text messages, my calls. Nobody has come home since last night and I can't help but worry. I mean it is only one in the afternoon but nobody has made contact with me at all.

I grab my phone and the apple i've been staring at for over ten minutes and sit on the sofa, pressing call after clicking on Jessica's number. It rings out just like it did the first seventeen times I tried to call. I take a deep breath and try the two boys who both neglect their phones too. As I sit my phone on the coffee table and sigh I realise how boring it is to sit in the house all day, alone. How quiet it is without the boys mucking around or making noises.

I'm glad I didn't get an apartment because it would surely suck and I wouldn't have friends as great as Jessica, Jesse and Dylan. I stare at my phone and bite into my apple, I haven't eaten all morning partly because of the potential missing persons ad i'll have to file if they aren't home within twenty-four hours and partly because I'm worried about the date tonight. What if Jesse isn't back? Should I ask Nicolas now?

Thinking about Nick just makes me remember Harry all the more, what it felt like to have his hands roaming my thighs, have his breath on my face. How it felt to hear him whisper my name.

I shake myself, what the fuck is wrong with me? I'm acing like a horny teenager. And as the thought enters my head i'm off the sofa and grabbing my car keys. I need to get out of the house and I know just the place to go.

I head to the common room in my Jaguar and climb the stairs and as always the room is buzzing with students, it's not as full as it was the first time I came here with Jess. I can't help but think that most people aren't here because they're hung over from the bonfire last night. I find a table in the middle of the semi-crowded room and pull out my phone, trying Jess one more time. She doesn't answer and my head starts working overtime thinking up all the possibilities of what could have happened to her or where she could be. I text Delilah asking her to meet me here but I don't wait for a reply before I get in line for a drink. A girl infront of me turns around and eyes me up and down casually.

"Anastatia?" She asks ans I do a double take, I definetly don't recognise her at all, she has long dark brown hair that meets her waist in light waves, her eyes are also brown, dark and assessing.

"Yeah?" I say and shuffle from foot to foot nervously, her eyes are so direct, they remind me of a predator watching every move and waiting for it's chance to pounce.

"You probably don't remember me, i'm Raven. I met you at the party but you were pretty pissed." She laughs lightly and I join her.

"Oh, wow. I don't remember a lot about the party," I smile at her and she orders a drink.

"Do you mind if I join you, i'm here alone." She asks meeting my gaze, Her eyes make me uncomfortable in a way, nervous somehow. As if just by looking at her she could find out all about me.

"Yeah, of course." I look at my phone and see that Delilah hasn't replied either. "I'm alone too."

We sit down at the table I had aquired when I first came in and she tells me that we met just after I was dancing on the table, when I climbed down and grabbed her wrists dragging her to the middle of the room and we both danced. She being a lot less drunk than I can remember the whole thing. I blush and thank her when she tells me I almost took my dress off in front of everyone but she stopped me. She tells me about her classes and her boyfriend, Romio, who she loves and cherish's and who absaloutely adores her. Eugh.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Anastatia?" She asks and throws her plastic cup into a near by trash can.

"Nope." I reply "You can call me Ana, you know."

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