B.M.S chapter eleven

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"So what, you're going to class now?" Selena asks from my side and I nod. I told her everything right down to my encouter with Harry in the car after the date. She seemed unfazed by this information and again i'm left wondering if he has been talking about me.

"Yeah, I have to." I say with a slight shrug. "I can't avoid him."

"I know, I know."

I met up with her on the way inside the building and she had insisted on walking me in, I didn't mind. The only thing I am worried about is that I still haven't seen anyone, not Jesse, not Dylan, not Jessica. I think Jesse may be avoiding me, embarrassed about standing me up but the other two seem to have fallen off the face of the Earth.

"Have you heard from Jessica?" I ask Selena even though I know she hasn't. It's worth a shot to ask.

"No. Why?"

"I haven't seen them since the bonfire." I frown. "Any of them."

"They will be in class." She assures me and I nod.

As we are walking through the door I scan the class quickly in persuit of my friends, I spot Jesse sitting in our row but no Jessica, i'm probably over reacting, she's probably off somewhere hung over having drunk the whole weekend away, maybe she is with Noah, maybe a new guy. She could even be late.

I shake off my aprehention and head to my seat with Selena who takes the one behind me as usual, I look over at Jesse and he has bags under his eyes and he is trembling all over, I narrow my eyes at him trying to decipher what is wrong with him.

"Are you okay?" I ask quietly and he jumps, his whole body jolts at the sound of my voice and my brow crinkles in concern.

"Ana." He shifts his eyes over to me and I almost gasp, his usually neat, styled hair is sticking up everywhere, his eyes are blood shot and he is shaking so hard I'm sure everyone can see it. His lips, usually pink and moist, are dry and chapped making him look ill. "I am so sorry, I stood you up, I-" His words are quick and jumbled together and he reaks of alcohol. His face is yellow-ish and worry begins to pool in my stomach.

"I think I should take you home." I look over my shoulder at Selena and she is watching me and Jesse, she gives my idea a nod and I stand and take hold of Jesse's tattoo'd bicep. He looks up at me. "Come on babe, i'm taking you back to the house."

"No! I've missed so many classes."

"No you haven't, today is Monday." I tell him slowly and help him to his feet, I pull him out of the isle and we both walk towards the door, his steps are slower than mine and he is trying to be careful.

"I feel sick, Ana."

"I know, lets just get you home." I repeat. "You'll be fine, you just need rest." I assure him but really the pit of worry in my stomach is growing and threatening to consume me, I don't know what's wrong with him but he looks like shit and i'm terrifed.

We walk out of the class just as Harry rounds the corner and nearly knocks me over. "Fleeing my class, miss Ellis?"

"I'm taking Jesse home, i'm in a rush so if you'll excuse me." I try to walk past him but he stops me but putting his hand on Jesse's shirt, He looks into his eyes and then takes in his appearence.

"Take him home." Harry eventually says, breaking eye contact with Jesse to look at me sympathetically but I can't meet his eyes.

I pull Jesse to the car, I am literally pulling him because his feet shuffle along the ground instead of lift like mine. After helping him into the passenger seat and fastening his seat belt I get in the drivers side and we head home, I drive fairly quickly in hopes that he'll be okay. Once home he shrugs me off his arm and stumbles to the sofa, groaning in pain as he tries to get comfortable. I follow after him slowly, watching his body move stifly to get into a position that doesn't hurt. I take in his clothes, he is wearing boots that are muddy and they smudge mud on the sofas white seats and I grimace, his jeans are creased and the bottom are wet like he has been walking through feilds all day in the rain and the top has a slight rip. He has a white t-shirt on, it's stained in all different colours and I can only imagine what he has done all weekend, what he has consumed, who he has been with.

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