B.M.S chapter eight

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It's Friday now and I get into my car with Jessica who insist on coming with me too pick up Rose and then we can all go shopping for clothes for the bonfire and my date on Sunday. I groaned when she told me this because I knew I shouldn't have told her about the date. I knew she'd act like it's a big deal when really i'm only helping out a friend.

We got to the school and Rose was waiting in the parking lot with a girl and two boys who were listening to her speak animatedly with a smile on her face. The girl threw her head back in laughter and Rose spotted my car and said bye to her friends.

"looks like she finally made friends." Jessica comments and goes back to texting on her phone and I humm in agreement. Rose hugs the girl and smiles at the boys and walks over to the car smiling brightly. She gets in the back seat and greets Jessica warmly and Jessica smiles and asks her about her friends, finally putting her phone down.

"Well the girl was Page, and the two boys were Jack and Jason, they are twins." She explains and smiles at me in the rearveiw mirror. They all seem normal enough, no peircings that I can see and they are all wearing normal clothes."Ana, can we go back to that little chip shop? The weather's nice and we can sit outside."

Jessica perks up and smiles excitedly at me. "Yeah Ana, please! I could really use some chips!!"

I sigh and nod and they both high five as we start towards the chips shop. I decide to get some chips too and maybe even chips and cheese, I used to eat that all the time in America. We stop the car and all get out and becuase I got roped into coming here I send them both inside for the food and I sit at a table outside. As I take out my phone and text Delilah to tell her that Jesse is accompanying me to the date someone stands in front of the table making shade fall onto me and I look up expecting to see Rose or Jessica.

"Hey again." The masculine voice says and I instantly recognise him as the guy from the peir. I smile politely and he takes a seat across from me which makes my smile grow. The sun shines on his face and makes his green eyes glisten and his full lips pull into a smile lazily. "Anastatia is it?"

"Yeah. I'm so sorry but i've forgotten your name." I blush and he chuckles lightly.

"Don't be, it begins with N..." He smirks at me and I think back to the day at the peir.

"Nikolas!" I say and he laughs and nods. "Are you selling this cafe?"

"Well I've already sold it. It was just a store until the owner bought it and turned it into a chipshop." He tells me and I eye the sold sale still outside. "They haen't taken that down yet even though it has been three weeks."

I nod in understanding. "What are you doing here?" I ask and he winks at me making me blush again.

"I like this shop, the real question is what is a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?"

I try to bite back my grin and look in the window to see Rose and Jessica staring at me with grins of their own. "I'm... I'm with those two." I say and hide my embarrassment when he looks in at then and smirks at me.

"Ah, I see." We fall into an uncomfortable silence before he clears his throat and speaks again. "Do you think it's fate that we meet again?"

He looks so serious as he asks this that I have to laugh. I don't believe in all that fate, destiny shit. "Uhm no, I don't believe in that stuff."

"Oh, well I do and I think the universe is trying to bring us together." He winks at me again and I laugh once more.

"How often does that one work?" I ask, talking about his line. He smiles genuinley and rests his head on his hands with his elbows resting on the table.

"Not very often, is it working on you?"

"Maybe." I smile flirtatiously and then realise what i'm doing and blush.

"Well would you maybe like to go on a date with me?" He asks and I hesitate.

"I-" Before I can finish he snatches my phone out of my hand and types something on it.

"You have my number." He states with a small smile and then takes his phone out as it pings, he sent himself a text so he has my number too. "Text me, or maybe i'll text you."

He stands up and hold his hand out for me to shake, I put my hand in his and he raises my hand to his lips and presses a kiss to the back of it. He winks at me and I blush at his affection and after a few seconds he drops my hand and walks away as Rose and Jess come rushing out bearing all the food and practically throw it on the table and jump into their seats.

"Who was that?" Rose squels and I giggle slightly at seeing her this excited.

"Was that Harry?" Jess asks.

"Harry?" Rose scrunches up her eyebrows

"No! That was Nikolas."

"Nikolas?" Rose smiles and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively "It looked like Nikolas ust gave you his number."

"Yeah, are you going to call him? What did he say? Did he ask you out?" Jess starts rambling so I pick up a chip and throw it at her.

"Yes he gave me his number and he has mine, no I'm not going to call him, yes he asked me out but he didn't even let me answer him." I pick up another chip covered in melted cheese and pop it into my mouth almost moaning in pleasure.

They both frown and pick at their foods in silence. "He was so hot though wasn't he?" Jessica says as she brings her chicken burger to her lips and smiles at me over the bun.

"Are you kidding? He was gorgous, hands down the sexiest man i've ever seen" I scoff "Just because i'm not interested doesn't mean i'm blind."

Rose rolls her eyes at me. "You sound interested to me."

When we get back to the dorm Rose insists on taking a shower and Jessica runs off to her room to take a phone call leaving me in the living room alone. I look down at my phone on the coffee table and sigh, one date wouldn't hurt, it doesn't need to turn into anything and I still need a real date to take with me on Sunday. Just as i'm contemplating texting Nick, Rose and Jessica walk back into the room with dvd's and chinese menus.

I smile at them and run to my room to change into my pyjama's and tell them to order me anything. I grab the duvet from my bed and a few blankets and take them back through and all three of us snuggle up on the sofa. I like having such close friends, even if one of them are my sister. I love moments like these. We put in the movie 'the vow', one reason being that Channing Tatum is the star and another being that it's a great love story because even though she can't remember their relationship they still find their way back to each other.

I end up crying at the end of the movie along with Jess and Rose. The empty chinese containers lay scattered on the table and the floor and I feel blotted and full and fat. We turn it off and put on the hannah montana movie, which makes us laugh a few times and we are smiling by the end when she sings 'always find my way back home' and drives through the crowd.

"Can we watch another?" Rose asks quietly and my eyes snap open after slowly shutting. I look down at Jess who is sleeping between my legs and then at Rose who is lying opposite me with her legs tangled in mine. I yawn and stretch slightly trying not to wake Jess.

"Not tonight babe i'm too tired." I reply and she smiles in understanding. "You should just go through to my bed if you want"

She stands up and gathers one of the blankets and a pillow. I don't know why I'm so surprised when she leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead but i am. Probably because she's been so reserved lately. Jess stirs in her sleep and I watch her as her eyes blink open.

"Ana?" she mumbles sleepily.


"Do you think you could talk to Noah and I at the bonfire tomorrow?"

"Sure." I yawn again an my eyes flutter closed

"He'll love you, I want him to meet my friends."

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