B.M.S- chapter two

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I grip the door handle of my bedroom firmly and pull it open despite my head screaming at me to crawl back into bed and sleep for another couple of hours. I walk srtaight across the hall and walk into Rose's room, her long red hair is spread out on her pillow and her leg is draped over the covers, it's the most peaceful i've seen her the past two weeks we've been here. She's always in a mood but is gradually getting there with Jon. I feel bad about leaving here today and going to college, but I have to move on and she's a wise girl, she'll grow out of the faze and live happily ever after as soon as she starts school and makes a few friends.

I tip-toe across to her bed and perch on the edge as I timidly shake her shoulder, she stirrs and opens her eyes revealing the deep green colour we both inherited from my dad. I have blond blond hair that I got from my mom and she inherited my dads red wavy hair and clear skin. She frowns up at me and tries to close her eyes again and I laugh.

"Rose, wake up." I say quietly and her eyes peel open again.

"What time is it?" She groans and I look at my phone.

"Half past eight," I wait for the confusion to wipe off her face but it doesn't and pout. "Rosie! it's move in day today, don't you remember. I want you to be there with me."

Her face transforms completely into dispair and she sits up, My eyes glass over with guilt again. She needs to understand that I can't stay here forever with her.

"Yeah i'm coming, don't fret." she forces a smile and stands up off the bed, "Are you wearing that?" She asks looking me up and down and I chuckle.

"Yes, I don't want to dress up i'm only moving in." I am wearing skinny jeans a white vest top and a short army jacket over the top with my white boot converse. She walks over to her closet and pulls out some clothes then sends me a smile.

"There's nothing wrong with your outfit, I was simply curious."

I stand up and head towards the door smiling then I turn to her. "I'm going to ask mom to put the breakfast on, don't be too long I want to get there quite early and meet my housemates." I smile but inside the nervousness is trying to claw it's way into my head, the butterflys came last night making it hard to get much needed sleep and they still haven't left yet, the thought of college is foreign and scary, what if noone likes me. What if they all think i'm different because of my strong American accent?

I swallow my insecurites and make my way down stairs, Jon is sat at the dining table reading a news paper and mom is in the kitchen slaving over the frying pan while humming a tune. I walk in quietly and go striaght to the kitchen and into the fridge taking out orange juice and moving across the tiles to get a glass. Mom turns and gives me a bright grin that kind of creeps me out.

She wipes her hands on her apron and takes it off. "So... Are you excited sweety?" She asks, walking over and grasping my shoulders.

I smile back at her and nod my head. "Of course, I can't wait to finally make new friends, Rose is coming to help move me in."

This only brightens her grin more and she takes my hand and sits me at the table with Jon who gives me a secretive smile. What's going on?

Mom giggles and I look at her questioningly, she looks at Jon and he nods so she sits next to me and grasps both my hands. "We have a surprise for you, it's really quite exciting."

I frown, what coud they possibly surprise me with? I have everything I need and then some, they've given me everything most likely out of guilt. I open my mouth to question them when Rose walks in wearing her new clothes, ones that she bought to pull off the whole 'I'm pissed off' attitude, She has skinny jeans on and a black shirt, her eyes have a thick line of dark eyeliner on both lids some mascarra, she wears black vans and a black shirt too. Kind of gothic but it's only a faze, she'll stop soon.

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