B.M.S chapter six

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My heart started beating frantically as Rose's conversation got more and more suspicious until I couldn't listen any longer. I knew what I had to do, that's why I went back down stairs and sat at the table like I had never even moved and smiled when she told us she was walking to the shops to pick up a few things. I waited a mere ten seconds before excusing myself and getting into my car.

So now I am currently pulling up at a pier after watching my sister round the corner. I followed her all the way here making sure to stay out of sight. I climb out the car and pull my hood over my head so that if I am spotted I can walk past without being recognised. I just need to make sure she isn't in any danger, who meets people at half seven at an old pier anyway? I walk to the corner gripping the bricks of the old abandoned building and peer around the side. I see her walk down a long wooden stretch next to the water, the sky is already starting to get dark and the air is already slightly nippy with cold and I have to pull my sweater tighter around me.

I quietly walk down the peer, hiding behind crumbing pillars that hold up old buildings and ducking behind dumpsters. Eventually Rose stops and looks around. She is standing on a seperate part of the pier next to an old fish and chip shop and only a few steps away from falling in the water. I swallow my fear and watch, I just want a glimps of who she's meeting, then i'll leave. Then i'll take her home actually. I see her turn in a circle as if looking for someone and the air fogs up when she sighs showing how cold it is.

Her hands reach into her pockets and she pulls something out and then I see the flickering light and the smoke and I know it's a cigarette. I close my eyes and sigh, my baby sister has turned into this, a punk. It'll be tattoo's and lip peircings next. I wait for what feels like hours before someone shows up and by then my limbs are stiff. I hold my breath and watch the taller person walk up to her and embrace her in a hug. By the build of the person I know it's a male, but he has his hood up so I can't tell what age he is, or maybe he's just a really strong she.

"So, is it happening?" The deeper voice asks and Rose grins and nods lightly making her fringe sway. "What's this?" The figure reaches out and traces her eyebrow ring.

"I got it pierced." She says proudly and lifts her fringe to give him more access. Something about their exchange gives me the creeps and I know instantly that I don't like this guy. Rose reaches up with her free hand and grabs the tassels on his jumper and trys to pull him closer, he takes a few steps closer to her and she bites her lip. The guy places his hands on her hips and pulls her flat against him.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding slowly and quietly, the guy stiffens immediatly and Rose stops being playful, a worried look crosses her face and she tilts her head.

"What's wrong?" She asks. He says something and her eyes widen and she looks the opposite way from me. "What? Where?" She looks back up at him and he says something else because she steps away from him and looks like he just slapped him. "I didn't! you told me not to! you said come alone and that's exactly what I did."

I know that he knows someone's here, and that if he finds me it won't be a pleasant conversation but I can't bring myself to move, my eyes are glued to the scene in front of me and my heart starts beating fast. His voice is deep and his frame tall and built, it's so obvious that he isn't fifteen, or even sixteen. He must be at least ages with me. He takes a step towards her and leans down to her ear. She frowns and then her eyes slowly search along the peir towards me and I hide behind the bin again. I count to ten slow in my head and then look back out towards the place where the man had been. Now only Rose stood staring into space where I assume he slithered into. I stand up slowly and back away into the alley I came from and all but run to my car. What the hell was that? Who the hell was that actually?

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