B.M.S Chapter three

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I pulled my hair into a messy bun and put on dark wash skinny jeans and stylish top with a womens face on the front, paired with a dark army jacket over the top, I put on white converse and a little mascara to my green eyes so not to go over the top. When there was knocking at my door I opened it to reavel Jess wearing jeans and a t-shirt like me but she hadn't done her hair and make up yet, despite having bed head she still managed to remain excited and extremely pretty.

"Oh good, you're up... and ready" her lips pursed and she took me in, "And beautiful." She grumbled.

I laughed lightly and she scowled at me and tried flatening her hair against her head and rubbed under her eyes trying to make herself presentable even though she looked amazing for someone half asleep.

"I'm sure that's not true and you look great too, a little too chirpy for this time of morning but i'll let it slide... This time." She laughed and i quickly grabbed my bag and phone and walked with her down the hall.

I got roped into making the breakfast as I was first ready so as I stood in the middle of the open space slaving over the frying pan I couldn't help but grumble under my breath. I didn't mind cooking, I loved it but I didn't like standing over a cooker in the morning alone while everyone else got dressed.

Jesse walked into the living room throwing me a lazy smile that made me smile too, he was so hot in his torso hugging white shirt that showed off his clearly defined muscles and had on jeans that were not too tight not too baggy, his tat peaked out from under his shirt and it added to his badboy look.

He collapsed onto the couch and sighed rubbing his hands over his face in the process. Next to emerge from the rooms was Jess with her hair in a neat pony tail and her make up put on lightly. Dylan was last and when he did come out he walked slowly like a zombie, however he looked far from the walking dead. He looked like the pretty boy sporty guy, still not my type.

"Are none of you guys morning people?" I asked incredulously when they all walked in without speaking a word. All three eyes snapped to me and Dylan put his head in his hands.

"Why?" Jesse asked me smiling lighly at Dylan who had leaned over slightly resting his head on Jesse's shoulder, awh.

"Well you know... You guys all relax and let the American do all the work"

Jess giggled and got up from her chair then skipped over to me, I groaned and she gave me an apologetic smile for being as hyper as she is and put on the teapot as I placed the pancake on the plate and got a few rolls and put the bacon on them. I let Jess make the tea and coffee first and she placed the cups and biscuits down and came back for a plate and I took the other over to the boys who were drooling slightly now. As we all sat down and got stuck into the breakfast we all talked.

"So what classes do you have Jess?" Dylan asked while breaking off a piece of pancake and slipping it into his mouth.

"Three introductions, one to English lit, Poetry and British economic and socail Hisory."

"I've got Poetry and English lit with you." I said sipping my coffee.

"I've English lit too." Jesse mumbled while demolishing his food on his plate.

"And I've Histore with you." Dylan said to Jess.

I sighed and tightened my bun. This was going to be good, having new classes with my new friends. What could go wrong?


Earlier when I had said what could go wrong I got a bad feeling, however I didn't think anything remotely as bad as this could happen. As he stood there in his suit and tie and smiled at the class I had to grit my teeth and clench my fists in anger. Harry.

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