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The sun was high and the sky was blue with no clouds in sight. Today was the perfect day to tell Tony, Steve thought.

He put on his favorite plaid shirt and cargo pants, leather jacket and boots. He jumped on his motorcycle and drove all the way to Stark towers.

When he got there he saw how much damage was done to the building. All the letters besides the A were missing. The floors were broken and the windows were smashed.

He went up to the door and knocked it. The one answered it was the disembodied servant, JARVIS.

"Hello sir Rodgers, how may I help you?" The AI asked.

"I would like to talk to Stark. About something personal." It took about a few minutes till the AI responded.

"Mister Stark is on his way to the top floor from his work in the labs." With that JARVIS opened the doors. Steve walked in a little weirded out and not use to all the tech.

He went to the elevator and went to the top floor where he was told to meet Tony. The box started to go up with a little elevator music following.

He finally got to the top and when he came out he saw Tony standing at the bar. Oil grease and sweat covered his forehead and hands. His coffee eyes were so hypnotizing. His hair was all messy and out of place. His bare arms were showing from his black tang top.

He realized he was staring too long and looked away. He looked back at Tony to see he wasn't paying any attention. Steve let a sigh of relief out and went over to Tony.

"So are you here about how to use a phone or a laptop?" Tony said pouring himself a glass of scotch. Steve nodded his head yes while his mind was screaming no.

"Yes I need help how to..... call someone." Tony walked over and stand next to him, holding his phone next to his face. Tony decided to show and teach him everything. Oh how this is going to be a loong day.

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