Competition -- part 1

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You guys are like such a blessing to me. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the fact that every single one of you readers throat for more of my writing when all I want to do is restart or delete these books. Anyways thank you very much.


"You know-"

"I know what you're saying but why?"

"Excuse you, I'm a grown man and furthermore I decide who and what I want to do."

"You're insane."

"I am not!"

"Steve, my one and only bestfriend, please rethink this."

"As my best friend, I expect you to accept my choices."

"But Stevie-"


"Come on, you can't be serious!"

"I am."

Bucky ran his non-metal hand over his face, groaning softly to himself. Praying to the lord above to keep his friend safe.

Steve rolled his eyes, "C'mon Buck, its not that bad."

" 'Not that bad'? Since when did you start gokarting?!"

The blonde groans and got into the little cars seat, identical to the one of Tony's that was a blue and red one.

Said Avenger have decided that everyone were too stressed and needed time off from missions. So they came to conclusion that they would spend a day at Lazer Kraze.

It was pretty funny to see all the toddlers faces when they lit up at the sight over fully grown men and women were coming to play where children scream and overall make messes.

"Settle down Barnes," Tony jumped in with a grin. "This is nothing like the track that I been on a few years back. It'll be fun!"

Bucky rolled his eyes and crossed his arms where he stood with Natasha. She had a straight look on her face, almost as straight as her flaming hair.

"With grown men playing in children karts, nothing fun is going to happen." She chided walking away to a nearby balcony that over looked the course. It was also where Thor and Banner were enjoying some peace along with food.

"Bucky, calm down nothing bad is going to happen." Steve tried to reassure. Buckling himself into the seat and looked back up with a grin of his own.

"Sure sure, try telling me that later once you ram into the wall." The brunette protested and grabbed at the metal fence that separated the track and the line.

"Hey babe, maybe after this we should go into the laser tag arena. They would be finish in there when we finish out here." The engineer suggested. Looking ahead through his pair of glasses towards the traffic-like lights.

"Sounds good." Steve agreed to which his friend groaned in complaint.

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