Delevigne right?

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1st chapter in the 're-brand'
Media = Justin era

Kendall and I were cuddling in my bed, talking about lots of different things, mostly friends, so I decided to bring the subject of Kendall's friendship with Cara up; the possibilities of this topic going south were high since I knew they were in a rough patch.
Kendall had told me how the last time they were hanging out Cara had confessed her love for Kendall and Kendall had just freaked out at the thought, even though she admitted that she sort of already knew. Kendall just found it strange that Cara had said this while they were both in existing relationships.

"Hey Ken, are you ever going to make up with Cara?" I asked but Kendall's response was a hard glare. "Well?..."
"I think you know the answer J."
"But Kenn-"
"No Justin," she said whilst sitting up, "don't try and talk me into it because you know I'm a push over and I'll just end up being friends with her. I want to give her time and distance so she can get over this stupid crush on me. And if I were to make up with her any time soon it'd be awkward because I'd have my walls very high around her and yeah." She trailed off.
"Remember the first time I met her?" I asked with a smile on my face.
"How could I forget!" Kendall said resting her head back on my chest.

(Not dating)

It's a Friday, which is Kendall and I's movie night. it was just a regular hangout we did to 'keep our friendship strong'. Kendall text me on the Friday morning saying "hey J, movie night at 8 at mine. You can sleep over and I'll get In-N-Out for us. Bacon double cheese burger with with extra pickles right? Got a surprise as well! See ya! Xx".
So at 7:30 that Friday night I made my way to Kendall's condo like i always do.

I knocked on her door and there was no answer, but I did hear loud music and a load of giggling, so I knocked again louder this time – but still nothing!
I decided to call Kendall to say I was outside but it went straight to voice mail. I looked at the time and realised I was 15 minuets early so I decided to go back in my car and go for a little drive to pass the time.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 8 so  I drove back to her condo. There was a text from Kendall saying the door was on the latch and she was just getting in the shower as she'd worked out.

When I got to her condo I opened the door and saw a blonde girl sitting in Kendall's kitchen; She was nodding her head and listening to music, so I went over to her to ask her who she was and why she was here.
I tapped her on the shoulder and her head snapped around to face me. She screamed and threw her hands at me trying to hit me. I backed up so she could see who I was and calm down. The blonde took her headphones out and put her hand on her chest.

"Oh my god! You scared the crap out of me!" She said breathing heavily in her thick British accent, "wait, what the fuck!" She exclaimed.
"What?" I said turning to see if there was anyone or anything scaring her behind me.
"You're Justin Bieber!"
"Yeahhh?" I said slightly hesitant.
Please don't tell me she's a crazed fan girl! I thought. "Where's Kendall?"
"In the shower, we just worked out together. But hold up, your Justin Bieber! The boy that Kendall's obsessed with!"
"Kendall's what now?" I exclaimed, raising my eyebrows.
"What?!" the girl responded not knowing what I was referring to.
"Kendall's obsessed with me?" I asked starting to smirk.
"You didn't hear that from me ok?!" she responded starting to smirk as well.
"Ok" I trailed off, smirking whilst wandering over to the refrigerator.

I opened it and got a can of diet coke out, opened the can, took a sip, and closed the refrigerator.
I looked back over to this mysterious girl, whose name I still couldn't think of, playing on her phone.

"Hey" I said and her snapped back up looking in my direction, "I recognise you and all, but what's your name again?"
"Delevingne right?"
"Yeah! And you're swaggy JB right?" she giggled.
"Right" I laughed back, thinking about my previous nicknames, taking a sip from my can.

A few moments of silence took place before Kendall appeared from her room, rubbing her hair with a towel. She then noticed me standing by the island in the kitchen and ran up to me, jumping on me, pulling me into a tight hug.

We stayed like that for a few seconds which felt like hours, until she pulled back, still with her arm around me and mine mirroring.
"So I see you've met Cara?" she smiled.
"Umm hmmm" I mumbled back with my lips close to my can before taking another sip from it.
"And raided my refrigerator!" She said poking me.
"Umm hmmm." I mumbled again before laughing a little which she responded to by giving my stomach a little slap.
Kendall then walked over to the couch motioning for me to follow.

"You coming?" I said to Cara before I went myself.
"Me?" she said looking up from her phone, confused.
"Who else?" I replied sarcastically.
"I'll be over."
"Ok" I said walking over to the couch.

I sat next to Kendall and laid back, before she laid her head on my chest and cuddled into me.
We did this a lot so it was normal, but it felt a little weird doing it in front of this knew girl that i hardly knew, but I didn't reject the affection I was getting from Kendall.

"Sorry about her," Kendall whispered looking up to me then over to Cara.
"It's ok" I replied sincerely.
"She just turned up and asked if I wanted to hang. I told her you were coming but she didn't seem to mind. She actually wanted to meet you because I apparently talk about you to much." Kendall mocked, looking back up to me.
"So I've heard." I smirked.
"What!" she said getting up off me and leaning back onto her thighs.
"I've heard!" I repeated again starting to laugh a little.
"Cara!" Kendall shouted at Cara, who had obviously been listening to Kendall and I's interaction, turned around and laughed so hard she nearly fell off her seat,
"What have you been saying to him?" Kendall yelled whilst starting to blush before stomping off into her room, not giving Cara a chance to reply.
"I do not take any blame." Cara said smugly, waking over to the couch still laughing a bit.

We sat on the couch talking and laughing at the previous moments for a while before we realised Kendall wasn't coming out of her room any time soon.
"Hey, why don't you choose a movie and I'll go get Kendall?" I said to Cara getting up from the couch.
"Ok" she replied as I walked away into Kendall's room.

"Kenny?" I asked knocking on the door, "Kenny, can I come in?" I didn't get a reply so I opened the door and went round the small corner to see Kendall wrapped up in some blankets, lying on her bed facing the opposite direction.

"Kenny?" I asked softly, sitting on the bed and resting a hand on her shoulder.
"Kenny its ok you know. I talk about you to my friends a lot as well!" I whispered slightly to her.
"Yeah but..." Kendall stuttered whilst turning over to face me, still under the blankets, "you just don't get it!"
"Then make me get it! Why was me finding out that you talk about me such a big thing? It's just talking! I don't even care what you've said about me Kendall! Why are you making this such a big thing?" I asked getting a little pissed.
"Because!" she groaned covering her face with the blankets.
"Because what?" I said getting close to her and pulling the blankets off her face.
She opened her eyes to see I was a little closer than expected and we looked into each other's eyes.
"Hmm?" I mumbled.
"I don't know ok! Stop pressuring me!" she groaned louder this time interrupting the little moment which made me back away from her face.
"Kendall, I know that in yourself you know, and I know in myself that you need time, so I'm not gonna pressure you anymore. Until you're ready, I'll wait, and when you're ready, I'll be patient and listen. I'll give you time, because that's what you need right now." I said sincerely, slightly knowing what she wanted to say, getting up and starting to walk out of her room.

Before I got to the door I felt Kendall's soft hand grip my arm lightly and try to turn me around.
"Justin?" she asked.
"Yes?" I said backing up so I was closer to her.
"Thankyou!" She said pulling me into a hug.
"It's alright Kenny!" I mumbled into her soft hair.
As we both pulled away from the hug she kissed me on the cheek and released my arm from her grip.
"Come on," I said taking her hand back into mine, "let's go order IN'N'OUT and we can watch whatever movie Cara's chosen."
"Ok" she said leading me out, hand in hand.


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