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Not the song. Lols
Gets a little x-rated at the end. I don't know wtf happened 😬.

I was awoken to a light kiss on my head and a slight shoulder shake.
"Justin, I'm going to breakfast, you coming?" Kendall asked softly.
I groaned and sat up rubbing my eyes as Kendall perched next to me on the bed, fully dressed ready to go.
"uhh, you go down, I'll be down in five" I groaned, kissing her forehead before she got up and blew a kiss to me as she closed the door behind her.

I got up a few minutes after she left and picked out my clothes (see media).
I then had a shower before changing into my outfit and grabbing my phone, wallet and key card for the room before going down to join Kendall for breakfast in the hotels' restaurant.

I walked in and saw Kendall at a table on my left sipping her coffee. She saw me and waved like the little cutie she is. I walked over and kissed her cheek before sitting opposite her.
"Morning" she smiled as she picked up her croissant and looked at me, "cute outfit"
"Was that sarcastic?" I asked with a smirk on my face, then picking up the menu.
"Kinda" she mumbled picking at her croissant.
"What's wrong with it then?" I asked, taking a sip of the water in front.
"Well firstly, that's my water, ask before you take" she playfully glared, "and second, you could maybe loose the hat, I like your hair"
"It's at an awkward stage though" I whined slightly.
"No, it's perfect, just like you" she said blushing a little.
"Me, perfect?" I questioned raising my eyebrows, "think you got us mixed up honey" she blushed even more now, leaning back slightly in her chair and sipping her coffee again.
"Now can I comment on your outfit" I teased, raising my hand for a waiter to come over.

"What can I do for you sir?" A French waiter asked.
"Hi, can I order 2 croissants, a side of bacon and a Diet Coke please?"
"Anything for you ma'am?" He asked Kendall.
"No I'm fine thanks" she said giggling.

"What's funny?" I asked as the waiter walked away, looking at a giggling Kendall who was making me laugh as well.
"You always have Diet Coke, no matter what time of day, you're drinking the damn thing!"
"It wakes me up more than coffee and tastes better than water! I'm sorry" I defended myself as we both laughed a little harder.

There was a weird vibe in the air this morning; it was like Kendall and I were putting distance between each other, making an effort not to be to affectionate, but also lowkey constantly flirting and can't wait to actually be in each other's embrace.

"When's call time for Chanel?" I asked after we finished our food.
"9:30, kind of a late one for Karl" she laughed, obviously pleased at her little fashion insider joke.
"So we have enough time to back to the room?" I asked smirking, knowing exactly what my plans where.
"Sure, but I'm not messing my outfit up!" She playfully glared again, knowing kind of what i had in mind.
"That's all up to you sweetie" I mumbled whilst getting up and offering my hand for Kendall which she gladly took and squeezed.

"Thank you" Kendall and I said to the waiter holding the door for us as we walked out of the restaurant and into the lobby.

I pressed the elevator button and the doors immediately opened. I let Kendall in first and she pressed our floor button.
The first few seconds we stood in a wired silence before I grabbed Kendall's wrists and pushed her up against the wall, kissing her roughly.
*(That seems way more rough than I intended but I don't know how to right it without sounding rough😂)
"Justin" she moaned into this kiss before I pulled away and pushed some hair behind her ear.
"That's all I've wanted to do since you woke me up"
"I realise" she laughed, blushing and putting her hands on my shoulder to give me a smaller, more tender kiss.

The elevator doors dinged and opened as we stepped out and walked hand in hand to our room. I got the key card out my pocket and swiped it, opening the door and letting Kendal go in and then myself. I closed the door behind me and walked in and Kendall wasn't there.
I looked in the bathroom and she wasn't there, so I walked over to the balcony and pushed the curtains back, revealing Kendall facing the view of Paris in front of her. I would say the view was beautiful but the beautiful view was Kendall.
"Baby" I whispered wrapping my arms around her waist from behind then kissing her neck slightly.
"I love it when we come to Paris" she almost moaned from the kisses I was giving her.
"Same, but coming anywhere with you is great!" I smirked as she turned in my grip.
"Hey!" She said starting to laugh as she released what I intended, "but I do agree with you. You know what I like the most though?"
"What?" I whispered as her lips brushed against mine as we spoke.
"When you throw me on the mattress and fuck me so hard until I can't walk; then there's the times when I ride you and cum all over your beautiful abs, or when I give you a blow job and you cum all over my face and tits and then I lick you up like ice cream!"
"Is that all you've got in mind for the next hour?"

Kendall Jenner & Justin Bieber imagines {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now