(Delevingne right? Part 2) Girlfriend

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*flashback (continued)*

A couple hours later we had finished eating and watching the movie and Kendall was saying goodbye to Cara at the door.
"Bye Justin!" she yelled over Ken's shoulder.
"Bye!" I yelled back, looking up from my phone whilst sitting on the couch.

I heard Kendall close the door and walk back over to the couch  to sit next to me.
She cuddled into my shoulder looking at my phone screen.
I was currently trying out all the new filters on snapchat, so I moved the camera to get Kendall's face and took a video of her in one of them to post to my story.
After, I closed my phone and put it on the coffee table, leaning back on the couch stretching my arm around Kendall's shoulder.
We sat there for a while just enjoying the contact - well I was at least!
"Y'alright now Ken?" I asked look down at her as she lifted her head from my chest.
"Well, I've been thinking J" she replied, "I think I'm ready to tell you what's on my mind"
"Ok" I said encouragingly, slightly knowing what she was about to say, whilst sitting up properly.
"So, b-basically" she stuttered,
"Ken," I said cutting her off, "I know!"
"B-but h-how?" She stuttered in pure shock.
"I guess I just assumed you liked me back because I like you. Well that's a lie! I love you!"
"L-love?" She questioned.
"W-well no-not if you don't! If you don't love me then that's fine! I-"
Kendall cut me off by pushing her soft lips onto mine. I kissed back and our lips moves in sync - like they were two pieces of a puzzle finally being connected.
She pulled away a little and mumbled into my lips. "Of course I love you too silly" we both giggles into each other's lips before connecting them again.
"So I guess I'm not sleeping in the guest bed tonight?" I joked at her before pulling her by the waist so she was on my lap like a little baby.
We cuddled and talked some more before Kendall started to yawn.
"You tired Ken?" I asked but all she did was frown.
"What?" I asked worriedly.
"Stop calling me Ken!" She said.
"Why? I've called you Ken before and you never seemed to mind!"
"But it's different now!" She said smirking.
"Oh!" I said finally getting at what she was trying to hint at - hopefully!
"So you want me to call you MY girlfriend?" I asked smirking back, giving her a little tickle.
"Stop!" She managed to say whilst giggling, so I stopped, "but yeah, I guess you can call me girlfriend!" She said smugly.
"Don't get smug with me girlfriend!" I teased going to tickle her again, but before I could she grabbed my hands and put them on either side of her face. I started to caress her face and leant into kiss her.
We kissed a little but it was abruptly stopped by her yawning loudly.
"Are you tired girlfriend?" I asked pouting a little at her. She nodded in response so I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. I put her on the bed and started to walk to the guest room were she had some spare clothes for me when I stayed round, but before I could walk off, she grabbed my hand causing me to look at her; She was pouting looking straight into my eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"Where are you going?" She asked a little timidly.
"To get a pair of my shorts from the other room."
"Noo!" She whined.
"Why?" I asked intreaged as to why she didn't want to get them.
"Because... You can just... You know" she said pointing at my body.
"What? # Sleep in my Calvins?"
She smirked and rolled over to her side of the bed and got her phone out.

After a few seconds of standing there I looked over to her to see she was fully immersed in her phone and I took this opportunity to take my shirt off.
When it was on the ground I saw Kendall looking at her phone, biting her lower lip.
"Kenny?" At this she snapped her head up at me.
"Why are you looking at your phone like that?"
"Like what?" She said smirking again.
"Biting your lip! You know your only aloud to look at ME like that!"
"Believe me it is you!" She said turning her phone to me showing a video of me taking my shirt off in slo-mo.
"Who's that sexy beast?" I said sarcastically.
"I think that may be my boyfriend!" She replied just as sarcastic as myself.

I continued to take my jeans off and I slipped into the bed and under the covers before she had a chance to look... Down there!
I picked my phone up and went on snapchat seeing that Kendall had posted the video of me with the caption 'boyfriend😻'.
After viewing it I laughed, earning a stare from Kendall to which I just motioned me taking my shirt off, which then earned a small laugh and a peck on the shoulder before she got up to change.
I took this as an opportunity to get my own back on her, so I took a picture of her facing the mirror with her back to me, captioned 'girlfriend😻' and posted it on my story.
Relationship goals or what?!

Kendall had gone into the bathroom to change and after a while her head popped around the corner.
"You gonna come clean up?" She said softly, to which I nodded my head and got up to join her in the bathroom.
When I got in there I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, admiring her in the mirror.
She was wearing an oversized shirt and some booty shorts and damn she looked hot!
I kissed her neck and snuggled into her as she released a soft sigh.
"Go get into bed. I'll be in in a minute, I just need to pee." I whispered in her ear. She giggled and turned around to face me, still in my grip.
"Your great at whispering dirty things in girls ears aren't you?" She said sarcastically.
"I sure am!" I replied before letting her go and watching her walk out of the bathroom.

When she was out I closed the door and took a moment to look in the mirror and think about how amazing today had gone.
If I had none this was how today was gonna go, I would've showered this morning!

After finishing up in the bathroom I walked over to the bed seeing Kendall facing away from me on her phone - as per usual!
I slipped under the covers beside her and wrapped my arms around her waist putting my head in the crook of her neck so I could see her phone screen.
We stayed like this for a while before she shut her phone off and put it on the nightstand.
I kissed her neck a few times before she turned around in my grip.
"It's nice to finally be able to fall asleep with the man of my dreams."
"Well, I don't particularly like sleeping with a piece of garbage but it'll have to do won't it!" I giggled earning a playful little slap to the face.
"But seriously Justin! I'm glad this can finally start happening!"
"Well don't you think I feel the same girlfriend!" I smiled kissing her forehead before she rested her head on my chest.
Before she drifted off into her princess beauty sleep, I lifted her chin and looked deeply into her eyes.
"I love you girlfriend!" I whispered with my lips close to hers.
"I love you too boyfriend!" She whispered back before out lips met like puzzle pieces again.
We both pulled away and got comfortable before I started to strok her hair softly until she fell asleep for the fist time in my arms.

*end of flashback*

"See, remember how she basically got us together! Give her a chance!"
"Fine. But only for you," Kendall replied kissing me quickly, "because I love you!"
"I love you more!" I said kissing her back before we got back into the very same positions as our first night together.

Kendall Jenner & Justin Bieber imagines {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now