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Bieber era^^^

(set in 2019. So they're both 23)

"Fuck that was good!" I breathed.
"All thanks to me!" Kendall said smugly.
"Oh sure! That's why you were screaming my name?" I laughed whilst straddling her and tickling her sides.
"No! Justin! Stop! I'm already out of breath!" She whined pushing my hands away from her.
"All thanks to me!" I said smugly, getting off of her as she laid her head on my chest.
"Night baby" she said lifting her head up for a kiss.
"Love you" I whispered before we both fell asleep.

*5 weeks later*

I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of waffles. I guess the only good thing about that is the waffles.
I hate it when I wake up in an empty bed with no Kenny wrapped up in my arms, but Kendall had usually been getting up earlier than me and it was wierd.

I got out of bed, put some basketball shorts on, not bothering with a shirt and went downstairs to see Kendall by the waffle maker in her usual bedroom attire; an oversized shirt and booty shorts.
"If you're thinking of creeping up on me, don't even try!" She said whilst I walked over to her.
"I wasn't gonna!" I said wrapping my arms around her waist, kissing her neck.
"Morning baby" I whispered seductively into her ear.
"Morning" she said leaning her head back to kiss me, "go sit down, I made my your favourite, chicken and waffles" "mmmmm!!! Thanks baby!!" I said kissing her cheek before walking over to sit down at the table.

I got my phone out and scrolled around on snapchat and Instagram for a while before Kendall bought over my plate of chicken and waffles.
I took a picture of it for snapchat and captioned it
'when your baby makes your favourite!'
I posted it and put my phone down to start eating.

"So baby" Kendall said as I finished my first waffle.
"Yeah?" I said with a mouth-full.
Kendall had gone really white and looked like she was about to have a panic attack!
I reached my hand over the table and held her hand. She was trembling.
"Kendall what's wrong?" I asked nervously.
"Nothing," she said taking her hand away from mine and pushing some hair behind her ear, "yeah, nothing!"
It sounded as though she was trying to convince herself nothing was wrong, Which lead me to believe there really was something bugging her.
"I'm gonna go upstairs" she said getting up looking like she was going to burst into tears any second, leaving me to eat my breakfast alone.

After I was done eating I went back up stairs and as I approached our room I heard soft sobs.
Just the thought of Kendall upset made me depressed.
I didn't want to go in and see her like this and I knew that there was obviously something bothering her, but she didn't want to tell me and I'd have to give her time. I waited a couple minutes before I decided to jus let go in and comfort her.

I walked into the bedroom and Kendall was facing the opposite way, cuddled into the blankets.
I got in the bed under the blankets and wrapped my arms around her body to pull her in close, nuzzling my face into her neck, giving her soft kisses - but not saying a word.
We lay like this for a while before she turned around in my grip to face me.
"Please tell me what's wrong Kendall," I pleaded, "I'm worried! And I love you!"
She paused, "promise you won't get mad!" She said with wide eyes.
"Unless you've cheated, I'm not gonna get mad" I said caressing her face.
"And promise you won't leave me, no matter what!"
"Leave you? Kendall, we're stuck together whether you like it or not! I love you way too much and I don't know any other person that would put up with my bullshit!" I said earning a chuckle from the both of us, "so what is it?" I said as we both sat up, leaning our backs on the headboard.
"I know we're only 23, and our careers are good, and I promise I didn't mean for this to happen but, but, I-I-I'm-"
"Kendall, are you pregnant?" I said cutting her off.
She looked at me deep in the eyes and slowly nodded as a smile started to creep onto my face, and as I started to smile, she did too.
"I'm gonna be a dad?!"
She nodded slowly and I jumped off the bed and started to jump around screaming in pure happiness.
"Yes! Fucking yes! Oh my god!"
"Justin! Justin!" Kendall shouted getting my attention.
"What?" I said stopping and going over to the edge of the bed to hold her waist.
"Calm down" she said looking deeply into my eyes.
"Fine," I groaned, calming down a little, "but I won't let anything happen to either of you!" I said getting down to lift her shirt and kiss her stomach everywhere.

"Baby" she said lifting my face up to hers.
"You know we can't call each baby anymore!" I said giggling, before we kissed passionately with meaning.

"Does your family know?" I said pulling away.
"Only Khloé," she mumbled, "I went to her first because she's my favourite older sister and I trust her most - and you know how it is with mom so... I told Khlo that I didn't feel good; Then she was like 'How long have you been throwing up in the morning? when did you last not use a condom?' And then we went to the doctor and they said I was pregnant."
She trailed off as I listened attentively, looking into her eyes and down to her lips every so often, before I abruptly kissed her roughly.

I pushed her softly onto the bed and caressed her waist and body.
"I love you Kendall!" I whispered in her ear before kissing her neck.
"I love you too Justin," she mumbled, "but can we not do this now, I'm not really comfortable doing it while I know there's a little baby in me." She said pulling my head up to look her in the eye.
"So you mean I can't have you for nine months?!" I said seriously pulling my face away from her grasp.
"Justin," she replied giggling and pulling my face back down, "of course you can, but you'll have to be really gentle!"
"And I can still get my dessert from you right?" I said cheekily.
"That's gross!" She said pushing my face a little then holing it.
"You don't find it gross when I'm doing it though, do ya?" I said kissing her neck again.
"You're so annoying sometimes!" She said pulling my face up to hers, "but I know you'll make a great dad!"

A couple hours later Kendall and I were cuddling in bed, watching TV and chilling.
"Kenny?" I asked making her look up to me.
"Can we throw a party? For the baby." I asked.
"Sure!" She said as we both say up, "I'll get Khlo to help us as well. When do you want it?"
"Well when are you ready to tell people?"
She paused and didn't reply making me think that maybe I've rushed things.
"Baby, if you-"
"Take a selfie with me!" She said abruptly, grabbing her phone off the nightstand.
"But Ken-"
"Just take a selfie with me!" She said again pulling the front camera up, "actually, get up!" She continued whilst getting out of bed and setting her phone to stand up infront of the TV.
"Ok. Imma kneel on the bed and lift my shirt up and you're gonna hold my waist like this," she said taking my hands and placing then on her waist, "and kiss my stomach"
She got the clicker to take the picture and pressed it.
"Done!" She said getting up from the bed and walking to get her phone.
"I'll send it to you" she mumbled whilst walking over and laying back on the bed, leaving me standing there in awe.
"You coming back to cuddle?" She asked, pouting, and opening her arms ready for me.
"Yeah, yeah sure" I mumbled walking back over to her and lying in the bed next to her.
"Get your phone! We'll post at the same time! I text you the picture and the caption I want you to put!"
(Caption: 3's a crowd😉)
She said sternly passing me my phone from her nightstand.

After we posted the photos our phones blew up! Texts, calls, email, voicemails- the whole lot!

Kendall's p.o.v
My mom was calling me - oh joy!
"Hey mom" I said picking up.
"Kendall! What is going on?" She yelled back.
"What, the picture?" I asked staying calm.
"What else would I be calling about?!" She yelled getting even more angry, "are you really pregnant?!"
"Well what do you think mom?"
She paused and I got really worried.
"I'm proud of you Kendall!" She said after a long silence.
"Thanks mom! I've learnt from the best on how to be a great mom, so I'm sure I'll be fine!"
"Oh you'll be more than fine my girl! And with Justin by you're side you'll be the best parents in the world!"
"Thanks mom!"
"Alright sweetie, I'm sure there's tons of other people that are wanting to get a hold of you, so I'll leave you to it! Tell Justin I'll call him later!"
"Will do mom, love you!"
"Love you too" she said before hanging up.

After ending the call with mom, i saw a text from Khloé:
'Well done baby sis! Proud of you! You and Justin are going to be the best parents ever! Thanks for adding 1 more niece/nephew to my ever growing list!! ❤️❤️'

I smiled like an idiot and when Justin saw he looked at my phone, read it and kissed my cheek.
"I can only agree to the fullest extent on what Khloé's said Kenny! You're gonna be the best mom ever! I can't wait for my new baby to arrive!"
"Thankyou!" I said looking in his eyes and cupping his face, "and you're gonna be the best dad in the world!"
"Kenny!" He replied, blushing and hiding his face in my neck.
"I love you!" I said pulling his face up to mine.
"I love you too!" He replied before pulling me into a deep kiss.

... Part2 ...

Kendall Jenner & Justin Bieber imagines {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now