Tour bus

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When your on tour, life gets boring; and living on a tour bus, in some ways, makes it worse.
Wake up on the bus,
eat breakfast on the bus,
spend a couple hours doing nothing on the bus whilst driving to the next concert.
The one fun part about tour - the concert.
Then back on the bus,
Go to bed.

Although, there's one thing that makes tour bus life bearable - having your girlfriend with you!
When Kendall comes with me on the bus everything changes.
You get love, affection, company, support, just someone you really really love with you 24/7.
For me, that's basically heaven!


"What's up guys, I'm on the bus with Ken!" I said filming myself on Snapchat, panning behind me to Kendall on the bed in her yoga pants, my sweatshirt and glasses with her hair in a bun, watching a movie on her laptop, "we out here watching movies and eating snacks," I held up a bag of chips, "we're coming for you Nebraska!"
I pointed to the screen and then ended the Snapchat posting it to my story before putting my phone on the counter and turning back to Kendall.
"Hey baby!" I cooed, snaking my arms around her waist and kissing her neck then her cheek.
"Ssshhhhh!" She whispered putting her finger over my lips, trying to shut me up so she could watch the rest of her programme.
I rested my chin on her shoulder and watched her show with her, trying to make sense of what was happening as I hadn't seen any other episodes.

"Oh my god!" Kendall yelled as the episode came to a close, waking me up from the little nap I was talking.
Obviously something had her shook.
"Finished now?" I asked, then kissing her cheek.
"Mmm hhhmmmm!" She mumbled, turning to kiss my nose.
"You look so cute in your glasses baby" I said tapping them and tilting my head.
"Really? I hate the damn things!" She sighed taking them off.
"No! Put them back on!" I whined taking them out her hands and putting them back on her.
"I can't believe you put me on your snapchat wearing my glasses!" She groaned.
"Ugh! I know!" I groaned in the same tone, "everyone's gonna see how cute you are!! God damn!"
"Are you making fun of me there Bieber?!" She asked trying to move my arms away from her body.
I made a thinking face and then started tickling her.
"Justin, no!" She yelled trying to push my arms away. I stopped and grabbed her by the waist pulling her tight against me.
"Gimme one good reason why I should stop tickling you? I really can't see any!" I said sarcastically.
"Hhmmm, well," she paused tapping her finger against her chin and looking around, "I guess I could use these glasses to my advantage" she sighed tilting her glasses down and biting her finger like a porn star.
"Hmmm, you could, but, we get to the hotel in 10 minutes and then I have to go straight to the venue for a soundcheck!"
"Better make it short then!" She snapped pinning me down and straddling me.


Kendall Jenner & Justin Bieber imagines {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now