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Math class. Nobody likes our stupid teacher so everyone ends up talking. Except from me.
Ever since Kendall and I's breakup a month ago I don't exactly talk to a lot of people about myself or anything personal.

I was listening to the conversation on the back row which included some of Kendall's cheer squad and some of Kendall's ex boyfriend Julian's friends. A month ago I probably would've been making small talk with some of the cheer squad because we had a mutual friendship, thanks to me sitting at the cheer table with Kendall at lunch. But obviously circumstances are different now, so I was just quietly listening.

"Yo luke!" A boy named Harry, one of Julian's friends shouted to another of Julian's friends.
"Did you hear who Julian's talking to again?" Harry smirked.
"Talking as in going out talking, or just talking?" Luke replied confused.
"Well let's just say I think Julian wants to get back with her now that that other dudes out of the way"

Get back with?
Other dudes out of the way?
I straightened up in my seat and listened harder.

"Wait, Julian's talking to... Kendall?" Hollie, a girl from the cheer squad whispered, obviously being sensitive for me, i hope.
"It's not exactly my place to say!" Harry smirked.

The bell rang and I grabbed my things and ran out of class.
I didn't care what people were saying, all that was on my mind was where the fuck was Julian?

"Yo Julian!" I yelled walking up to him standing by his locker.
He turned around with a small smile but that quickly changed when he saw the expression on my face.
"What's this about you talking to Kendall?" I said through my teeth as I pinned him against his locker causing a crowd to form around us.

Kendall's p.o.v

I was waking down the hall with Hailey and Gigi, when we saw a huge crowd of people all shouting "fight!" and a massive thud that sounded like someone just hit the lockers.
"Who the fucks fighting now?" Hailey groaned.

"Move! Get out my way! Move!" We said pushing past people to get to the front and see who was fighting.
"What the fuck!" I said as I realised who they were.
"Justin! Justin! Stop! Justin please! JUSTIN! Get off him!" I yelled trying to pull one of Justin's arms.

Justin didn't fight often but when he did he wouldn't stop without a good enough reason, I was that reason.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Julian.
He looked in my eyes and his softened slightly at the sight of me.
He had bloody knuckles and his lip was busted.
I dragged him away from everyone not caring what people were saying and bought him to the cheer locker room. I got the first aid kit and took out some alcohol wipes and bandages. I cleaned the cuts on his knuckles with the wipes and then took a bandage and started to wind it around his hand.
"What was that about then?" I asked looking into his eyes as he looked up as well.
"Nothing." He mumbled looking away.
"Justin, you don't beat people up for nothing, do you?"
He shook his head and I pulled his chin to look at me, "why did you beat Julian up?"
"Don't say his shitty name" he snapped pulling his chin out of my grasp then paused, "I heard people saying he was talking to you and that he wanted to get back with you"
"What?" I said giving him a 'what the hell' look.
"What?" He said back raising his eyebrows.
"I haven't talked to Julian since before us!"
"So he's lying"
"Yeah, I'd never get back with Julian! Jeez!" I laughed slightly, "but that still doesn't exactly answer my question, why did you beat him up because he was apparently talking to me?"
"Because" he mumbled looking away again.
"Because what?" I said pulling his chin back so he was looking at me again.
"Because Kendall!" He groaned, "I'm sorry! and I still wanna be with you, I love you ken!" He leant towards me and I didn't put up a fight because the truth was, that's exactly how I felt.
His lips met mine and the fireworks were back. It was a short kiss, but damn did it reassure me that I still wanted him.
"I'm sorry too J" I whispered as we pulled away.
"Please Ken, give me another chance!" He whispered back.
I didn't answer, all I did was kiss him, longer this time, more passionately, and I think he got my answer.

Kendall Jenner & Justin Bieber imagines {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now