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(Justin era^^)

February 13th

"Ken! I'm home!" I said walking into our room to see Kendall sitting in bed typing on her laptop.
"Baby!" She exclaimed getting up so she was standing on the bed and then ran over into my arms.
"I missed you" she whispered making me kiss the side of her head.
"I missed you to baby girl" I whispered back sliding my hands lower on her back, nearer her ass.
"Justin?" She said in a low voice but not stopping anything.
"I missed you so much baby" I said again now squeezing her ass.
"Do you want me?" She asked pulling away, looking dead into my eyes and biting her lip.
I didn't say a word, I only pushed her softly onto the bed and took my shirt off.
"When do I not?" I asked lowering myself to kiss her.

- - -

"God damn Kendall!" I breathed easily as I dropped myself onto the bed.
Kendall rolled over intertwining our legs and resting her head in my chest.
"I love you" she said sweetly, looking into my eyes.
"Speaking of that!" I said sitting up quickly and grabbing her laptop from the nightstand. I opened it up and turned it around to Kendall so she could type her password. I got my emails up and looked for my booking confirmation. I got it up and turned the computer again so she could see.
She looked at the computer for a second before gasping and covering her mouth.
"We're going to Turks and Caicos!!" She yelled throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly.
"We fly out tonight" I said kissing her naked shoulder, "happy valentines baby"
"Thank you Justin!" She replied pulling away and giving me a long passionate kiss.

- - -

We hopped out the car next to the jet and me and the driver started getting mine and Kendall's bags from the trunk.
I grabbed two of Kendall's and jeez they were heavy. Not to mention these were only two out of the four and we're only going for five days!
I gave the bags to the guy loading the jet and went back over to the car to see Kendall was still sitting inside.
I opened the car door and looked at her.
"Baby you good?"
She shook her head, "I'm scared jay"
"I know baby, but I'm right here! Nothing bad will happen when you're with me. I promise!" I said taking her hand and leading her to the plane and let me tell you that view was great!

 I promise!" I said taking her hand and leading her to the plane and let me tell you that view was great!

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We sat down and I distracted Kendall until we were in the air so she didn't have a panic attack.
When we where half way through the flight Kendall and I started to watch one of our favourite movies and as soon as the end  credits started rolling I turned the screen off and kendall turned to look at me making me kiss her.
"I love you!" She whispered making me kiss her again and whisper it back to her.
"I love you too much kenny!" I took a hold of her hand and helped her up leading to the middle of the plane. We stood there and she looked at me with a confused expression.
"Baby?" She questioned.
"Ken, I love you! You know that right?"
"Of course Jay, why do you keep saying that?"
"I just want to make sure you know... and I want to make sure everyone else does"
Kendall closed her eyes expecting for me to kiss her, but I didn't.
I got a box out of my pocket and got down on one knee, making her open her eyes and gasp. 
"Ken, We've been dating nearly five years and I've loved you since the day we first met. Your beautiful, inside and out. Your everything I've ever wanted! I love you so much kenny it's unreal, I can't put it into words," I breathed slowly closing my eyes, "and I want to make sure everyone knows how much I love you!" I paused again opening my eyes to stare at her beautiful face.
"Kendall Nicole Jenner, will you do me the honour of being my wife?!"
She stood there hands still covering her mouth, small tears running down her cheeks.
She reached out to hold my hands making me stand up to look into her mesmerising eyes.
"Justin... I don't know what to say..." she kissed my fore head and pulled back closing her eyes.
"This is so unexpected, really, I... I..."
"Babe?" I asked as she was getting unsure.
"Justin, I'm really sorry..."
"Ken" I whispered starting to cry a little harder.
"Justin, I don't think that getting married is a good idea at the moment" she said softly, emphasising at the moment.
"We're at the top of our careers right now, baby I'm not saying I don't want to, it's just... well, I... We... we just don't have time in our schedules"
I put the ring back in my pocket and stood back, wiping my tears away.
"Justin, please don't be mad at me!" She begged stepping closer to me.
"Ken," I said holding her hands, "I'm not mad, I completely get what you're saying... and... I guess I'll just wait, until we're both really ready! But Ken don't think I'm mad for one second, I totally respect your decision and don't doubt my love for you! I'll always love you baby!" I said caressing her cheek, "I'll never stop loving you, even if you do reject my marriage proposal!" I laughed lightly.
"I love you Justin! The thought was there!" She sighed kissing me sweetly and I could really feel how much she loved me and how much she felt slightly sorry for me.
"I love you to Kendall!" I said kissing her again.


We got off the plane having landed in Turks & Caicos.
I held Kendall's hand all the way off the plane and into the car, never loosing contact or sight of her.
When we got in the car I quickly pulled my phone out and send a text to the group chat, which consisted of all our friends and family that new about my secret proposal, explains what had happened and I'm more than happy to wait for the perfect time for us.

I looked over at Kendall, who was looking out the window in awe, and I knew that even though she had rejected my proposal, it was meant to be, and that I had to wait for the perfect time.

1 year later...

"Come on Ken!" I said leading Kendall, who was wearing a blindfold, into the jet.
I helped her sit down and took the blindfold off.
"You're so mysterious around valentines baby!" She giggled looking deeply into my eyes.
"Because I love you, and I want things to be special for you!" I said leaning in to kiss me but she stopped pushing me back,
"You wanna kiss?" Kendall asked with a smirk to which I nodded like a little kid, "then tell me where we're going and I'll kiss you!"
"Kkeeeennnn!!!!" I groaned looking at her evil little smile, "you always want to ruin surprises!"
"Because I like to know what's happening and to make sure I'm not being abducted!" She said defensively.
"I love you kenny!" I giggled leaning in to kiss her again.
"Not so fast Jay!" She said pushing me back again. "Tell me and I'll kiss you, maybe even some other stuff!" She winked.
"That means I'm not getting head on the jet!" I sighed lying down on my chair making Kendall laugh.

"Movie?" I asked Kendall about half way through the flight.
"Yeah!" She said cuddling into my side as I chose out favourite movie.
"Justin?..." Kendall said cautiously sitting up, "last time you put this movie on on the jet, nearly a year ago, you asked me something..."
"Actually Ken, it's been exactly a year!" I said making her gasp lightly, "and stop ruining my surprises!"
Kendall started smiling and if I'm not mistaken, I think I could see a tear forming in her eye.
"Still wanna watch the movie?" I asked making her shake her head no. I took her hand and lead her to the middle of the plane like I did last time making Kendall start to cry.
"Baby don't cry!" I cooed wiping some tears away.
"Just get in with it justin!" She laughed pushing me back lightly.
I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring again.
"Kendall Nicole Jenner- "
"Yes!" She exclaimed wiping her tears away.
"Ken! Stop! At least let me ask the question!" I said half laughing half crying now making her groan playfully and continue to look deeply into my eyes.
"Kendall Nicole Jenner, will you do me the honour of becoming Kendall Nicole Bieber, and be my wife?"
"Yes!! Yes! Yes! Yes!" She said getting louder every time she said yes whilst pulling my face up and kissing me hard.

After a while of us calming down and Kendall looking at her ring she stoped and looked at me.
"Kendall Nicole Bieber, did you just ask me why I asked you to marry me??!!" I said unbelievably.
"What, no!" She giggled.
"Why in a plane? Like of all the beautiful places, I mean we're flying to Turks & Caicos for god sakes!"
"Because, I know how much you hate planes and flying, and now you won't" I said shyly.
"What?" She murmured.
"Ken, you get panic attacks every time you fly without me right? So, when you fly now, you won't be thinking the worst, you'll be thinking of how your soon to be husband asked you to marry his stupid ass on a 10 hour flight in the middle of his private jet!" I laughed making her laugh.
"No more anxious thoughts, just good ones... hopefully!"
Kendall grabbed my neck and pulled me into a long kiss showing me how much she appreciated what I'd done.
"You, Justin Drew Bieber, are the best husband in the world! I love you so much!"
"Words can't describe it!" I said finishing her sentence before she kissed me again.

Kendall Jenner & Justin Bieber imagines {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now