3-"That Carl kid..."

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Chapter 3- "That Carl kid..."

I walked back to my cell... Well Carl and I's cell. I walk in and go to the dresser Carl said he cleaned some of it out, I just don't know which ones.

So i open the first drawer revealing plaid....underwear I quickly blush and shut the drawer. I believe the next one has his clothes in it to so I go down to the 3rd one grabbing my bags and start folding and putting away all my clothes. I tuck all the pictures under my clothes as I close the drawer and head for my bed.

I noticed that its dark out now so I switch on the little lantern that sat on the dresser. I kick off my shoes as I hear footsteps, and then Carl comes walking in.

"Hey" he says he sits down on his bed taking off his shoes to.

"Hey" I say getting comfy on my bed.

"So we never finished our game" he says as he gets up and places his hat onto the dresser, revealing the top of his dark hair.

"Yeah here I'll go first....so um what's your favorite color?" I ask not knowing really what to ask

"Um blue and red, how about you?" He asks leaning back on his bed with his palms.

"Purple, okay what's your favorite food?" I ask as I sit up straight.

"Um, chicken noodle soup you?" He asks

"Same but only with soda on the side" I say as we chuckle.

(If you got it comment)

"Bedtime" I hear Glen yell and I give Carl a look. He warmly smiles and goes to turn off the light. He doesn't know I am afraid of the dark. But I am not gonna tell him it'll be fine.

"Goodnight Bell" Carl said as he slipped into his covers

"Night Carl" I say as I secretly smile to myself and sink down.


I toss and turn like I did last night. I can't sleep at all. I don't know what it is but I just can't seem to sleep. I look over at Carl and see he's sound asleep.

Maybe if.....no that's creepy....but I can't sleep......and he looks so.....comfy

I get up and walk over to Carl the only thing guiding me is the moonlight. "Carl?" I ask just above a whisper.

"Hmm?" He says as he rolls over.

"C-Can I sleep with you?" I ask he opens his eyes and looks at me and nods scooting to the wall letting me slide inside his sheets. At first he rolled over to where his back was facing me but then he rolled back over and wrapped his arm around my waist spooning me.

As if a spell I felt tired and fell instantly to sleep maybe I have little feelings for him...... PFF nah I have feelings for him.

"Get up time to get up!" I heard someone yell as they came into the cell.

"Bell, Carl wake up" someone said shaking my arm, I opened my eyes to see Glen. As I sat up Glen winked at me as he walked out. Oh god.

"Carl" I said and he turned to me looking at me with his crystal eyes.

"Good morning" he smiled as he stretched and sat up. I saw he only had a tank top on so I guess he stripped down last night.

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