45- "Marks"

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Chapter 45- "Marks"

"Fuck" My dad growled as he hit his hands on the steering wheel.

"Should've got s'more gas" He finished as we pulled over, It had to be at least 1 o'clock by now.  We hoped out of the car, standing on the side of the road waiting for my dad to finish bitching about gas.

"Let's go, Theres only about 7 miles left" He said as he threw his cross bow over his shoulder. We all sighed and followed him down the road.

"So, hows everyone back home?" Beth asked looking at my dad, He huffed and glanced behind him to her.

"Fine" He said with a stern voice, i knew somethings was up but i brushed it off. 

A walker stumbled onto the road coming closer to us, Dad stabbed it letting it fall to the ground. Suddenly something grabbed me from behind, a loud growl into my ear. I felt pain on my wrist but didn't mind it since there was a walker on me. My dad aimed to my head and i closed my eyes suddenly the body letting go of me and falling to the ground. I sighed and opened my eyes seeing my dad, Brayden and beth looking at me. Or behind me. I turned around and saw a heard.

"Run" I said as my dad grabbed his arrow and we started running, The hot air and sun making us sweat.

 "C'mon in here" Brayden said pointing to a car. We all scrambled into the car, Brayden and I on the back as Beth and dad climbed into the front. Our breaths catching as we ducked down into the car. I looked to Brayden as he scanned outside the window.

"They're coming as long as we're quite and hide, They'll keep moving" My dad said as he laid the seat down as the growels became louder.

What felt like eternity, I looked back up out the window to see the heard still going. It had to be around 4 since it was getting dark.

"Okay its a trickle i think we're good" My dad said and we followed his league getting out of the car. 

We walked back to the road and saw the giant heard, It went on for at lease a mile. 

"There heading where we're heading" Beth said looking to me.

"Yeah" My dad said as we kept walking. A pain in my wrist increased and I looked down seeing blood. I pulled up my sleeve seeing a bite. Oh no.

 Carl's pov

'But sometimes you can't stop the future'

I finished reading the book. Yeah the book. I sighed, Its been like this for weeks. Ever since Bell and Beth left about a month ago. Everything's been slow. My dad and Michonne have been gone for about a week. And Judith is running out diapers. I heard Judith's soft cries and got up walking over to her room and grabbing her from her crib.

"Shhhhhh" I cooed as I rocked her back and forth. Soon she was asleep, I laid her back down into her crib and sat down on the chair next to it.

"Judith, I'm sorry" I started. "You shouldn't have to grow up in this kind of world. This worlds cruel. It changes people. It kills people, but thats not the point. I don't want you to have a hard childhood like me. And I know dad doesn't want that either. What Im trying to say is, Don't grow up thinking the world is against you. Take in the world as it is and accept that. Like how i have to" I finished hanging my head. Silence covered the room in a thick blanket. I sighed standing up and reaching over her crib, I kissed her forehead and walked out.

Suddenly the downstairs door opened, I walked dow the steps hoping to see my dad. But it wasn't. It was a brown haired boy, he had tuff looking clothes on and had his back to me.

"Who are you?" I asked grabbing my small knife.

The kid turned around and smiled at me.

"Carl, Its me Brayden" He said looking at me up and down.

"Woah! sup bro" I said hugging him. "Didn't know you made it out" I finished.

"Same to you, You need to tell me how you turned so bad ass with that patch" He said and I nodded. Finally someone my age who doesn't hate me.

Bell's pov


"That's Alexandria?"


They all said, I stayed quite. Not wanting to say anything after finding what I did. We walked up seeing Glenn on guard. His face lit up and he came down opening the gates. 

"How?" He asked taking us all in hugs. "Brayden!" He owed and ruffed his hair.

"A heard met the sanctuary, Luckily i was there too" My dad said and he nodded letting us in. I finally could take a breath of fresh air.

"Wheres Carl?" Brayden asked Glenn, and Glenn pointed to the house I used to go over to every night. I sighed looking down still gripping my wrist.

"Glenn, W-Wheres Maggie?" Beth asked and he smiled.

"She's at hilltop, for the baby" He said and she nodded still heading her way to her old house.

"Glenn?" I asked and he looked at me, his smile adding once realizing i was smiling.

"C-Can we talk?" I asked my eyes pleading. He nodded helping me up the ladder to the guarding post.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting in one out of 2 chairs.

"Glenn.. I-I'm bit"

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