9-"Carl Poppa!"

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Chapter 9- "Carl Poppa!"

Carl's POV still

"Here take these to Bell. said she needed 'em" Daryl says to me handing me a bag with pain killers and 2 boxes of colorful things. I nod going over to separate Bells clothes so I can just give it all to her at once. I stuff all the things into a bag and head for the doors. I hear Maggie who was on gate duty say "Awh ain't that sweet!" And I know they told her about Me liking Bell. I smile as I look down at my feet which take me closer to the doors.

I enter inside and everyone was sitting down doing there own thing. I walk over to Zack and hand him his bag of stuff and he thanks me as he heads to his cell. I go to where the kids were and dump out all the toys so they can play with them. I stand back up scanning the room but not finding her.

I frown and head to our cell, where she was. She was awake I believe. I couldn't tell cause she had her arm over her eyes covering them. "Hey Bell" I smile sitting down on the bed she was laid on. She moved her arm giving me a weak smile back before sitting up. I place everyone else's bag on the floor and I hand Bell hers.

"Thanks" she smiles and I smile back and watch her go through it.

I watch as she takes out the hoodie and folds it better than I did placing it next to her. Same with the rest of the clothes. She smiled at me as she pulled out so many pairs of those spandex short things

Once she got to the bottom of the bag where Those colorful things were, I watched as she slightly blushed as he pulled out the pain killers ignoring the colorful things.

"I am sorry but what are those?" I ask pointing to the colorful things my mother used them before I remember but.... She never told me what they were.

I watched as she turned a deep red and didn't look up at me. "Uhhm well d-did you ever watch 'The Video' " she says looking up at me briefly. But then looking down  with sadness written on her face. I shake it off not knowing what it was about.

'The video' for our school. You see it in 7th grade. The whole walker thing sent down when I was in 6th grade so I never really got to know anything about that kind of stuff. "No, why?" I ask still kinda confused.

"Ummm, well there pads and there for me to use when I bleed" she says still a deep red color but she never looks up at me.

"So like if you get scratched or something you put one on?" I ask I mean she said there for when she bleeds.

"Um, no there for my period" she says now a deeper red. I don't know how she could be anymore red but she is.

"What's that mean?" I ask does she mean like a period at the end of a sentence? Why would they need pads for bleeding. This didn't make sense.

"Um, you should talk to your dad about that" she said finally looking up at me pushing aside the bag I gave her and taking out the pain killers.

"Oh okay, why'd you need those?" I ask man I need to stop bugging her.

"For my back, I get a bad pain cause of the pinched nerves in my back" she says and I nod.

"Lay down on your stomach, Carl Poppa can take care of dis!" I say, I say Carl poppa cause my poppa/grandfather was a doctor and he knew how to heal.

"Carl Poppa?" She asks smirking.

"Yes! Now lay down on your belly!" I say so I can help her.

She rolls her eyes playfully as he lays down in her stomach. I slowly pick up her shirt, exposing her back. She wiggles a little but then gets used to it. I start to massage her back and she tells me it's her lower back that needed it so I started going to work.

"Feel better?" I ask and she nods and I smile knowing I can help her. Soon the cell fills with snores and I smile putting back down her shirt and grabbing her stuff taking it off her bed and placing them near the dresser. I take off my hat along with my shoes and turn off the light taking off my jeans and feeling something on my pocket. I take out the neckless and smile hiding it under my underwear in the dresser then. Slipping on some shorts as I lay down in my bed. I wasn't comfy so I went over and snuggled with Bell. I dont know what it is but just having Bell here has been great. I love every second of it. Its just I've gotten so used to her next to me that I can't sleep with out her actually next to me.

I smile wrapping my arm around her waist as I whisper a goodnight. Even though I know I am not gonna get a response.

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