21- "Truth or Dare"

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Chapter 21- "Truth or Dare"

"You have nice hair" Enid said as she braided it back

"Thanks" i said back as i kept playing with Carl's hair, he was on the floor infant of the bed and i was behind him on the bed as enid sat behind me on the bed.

"How long have you been here?" i asked

"about 3 months, Did you have a boyfriend?" she asked as i felt her slide a hair tie on the end.

"Oh Carl's My Boyfriend" i said as i started braiding a piece of Carl's hair.

"Oh Ron's mines" she said as she finished.

"Cool" i smiled.

"Kids! Dinner!" Ron's mom yelled

We all had to go to this fancy dinner they were holding for us and i decided to just leave how i looked for it. Once i got there everyone was so nicely dressed, it was weird seeing this.

"Hey Rick have you seen my Dad?" i asked as i approached him.

"No i haven't sorry" he said and went back to his conversation. Carl soon found my side and guided me through the party and we sat on the couch.


The party wasn't too bad we all just joked and laughed around until it was time to leave, well for the kids to leave. Carl and I walked back to my house, me knowing my dad wasn't here. I guided Carl upstairs where there were 3 bedrooms, one had a knife carving in it saying 'mines' so i knew my dad wrote that, i went to the next one opening the door to a white room with a violet duvet that rested on the bed along with decorations and other things.

"Nice" he smiled sitting on the bed kicking off his shoes,  i did  the same but laying down next to him.

"Bored?" Carl asked after he caught me just blank staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah, lets go walk around" I said hopping back up and sliding on my shoes. Carl doing the same. We left the house and walked around the gated community.

"Hey lets go get Ron and them" Carl offered. I agreed and we walked over to the green roofed house, we entered silently and blissfully as we made it up to Ron's room where Mickey was already.

"Hey" I said coming into the room, It filled with "Hey's" and i smiled taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Wanna play a game?" Mickey asked as we all gathered on the full sized bed.

"Truth or dare" Ron said scanning all of us.

We all agreed and Ron started.

"Okay Truth or Dare Carl?" He asked and Carl didn't hesitate to say his answer, "Dare"

"I dare you to lick my toe!" Ron said pulling out his stinky feet, Carl ran and said no but soon was pinned down and licked his foot, "Don't kiss me with those lips" i said jokingly. "C'mere, give pa pa a smooch" He cooed trying to smother me but i resisted even how hard it was and we continued playing, it was Carls turn.

"Truth or Dare mickey?" He asked not choosing me or it would be very obvious.

"Truth" he blurted.

"Fine, tell us your crush" Carl eased.

"Uhm are you sure?" He asked I watched as sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Yeah!" Ron said playfully hitting his arm.

"Um I like... Your mom" He said looking at Ron.

They started laughing and Carl got up leaving the room.

"What's up with him?" Mickey asked.

"Um We gotta go we'll talk to you guys later" I said standing up and following Carl from the house.

"Carl!" I yelled walking behind him.

"What?!" He yelled turning around and accedently hit me.

"Bell" he said his tone lower. Yes I was hurt so I just walked pasted him. Ignoring him. I walked to my house Carl following and calling my name. I walked inside finding my dad eating something in the kitchen.

I walked passed him and going into my room laying on my bed. Soon I hear soft knocks on my door. I don't say anything I just lay there staring at the ceiling. Soon footsteps enter my room and I feel my bed go down.

"Look I'm not good at this Father Daughter shit but I'll try" I heard my dad say. I didn't say anything back waiting for him to continue.

"Are you okay?" He asked again I didn't answer. I knew if I would have started talking I just would've choked and started crying which is exactly what i was trying to not do. He stormed from my room and I sighed rolling over and grabbing my bag. I pulled out the framed picture I always kept. I missed my mom. I wish I did t have to see her like that. I started crying as I gaped at the picture and I realized something.

I got up walking into my dads room, finding him sitting at the edge of the bed. I walked over hugging him. "I love you dad" were the only words I spoke.

"I love you too bell, and remember you can talk to me about anything" he said hugging back.

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