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This is the "Boys" chapter from Book of Opinions, which is getting removed. I'll paste the disclaimer into the "Be Warned" segment of this story, so it's all good there. Enjoy!

April 16, 2016:

Okay, if you missed the disclaimer, I understand that not all boys are bad. It's just that some are a pain in my butt. And some just straight up confuse me. So if you know something I don't, I would love some insight.

So, in orchestra at school, there are two boys in class that ruin my days. Curtis and Chase. They behave differently, but in the end, they both end up pissing me off. Curtis usually instigates and Chase just does idiotic and rude things and just needs to learn some humility.

In 5th grade, I liked a boy, his name was Brenden. He finally asked me out on like, the third day before school ended for summer, and it was probably because my friend pushed him to. It was also scribbled on a piece of paper in shitty penmanship. So we are 'dating' and this is nothing like what it ought to be. It just meant that he acknowledged that I was alive. Wow. But I was over the moon. I was so ecstatic that someone liked me. And then something happened and we broke up, or something, on the last day of school, I cried, was sad for about a day, and got over it by the second day.

In 6th grade, I had a crush on another boy, Braedon, for the better part of the second semester, and he plays cello. He asked me out, again, on a piece of paper, with a box for yes and one for no, after school as I waited for my mom to pick me up. I checked yes and handed it back to him, thankfully, his handwriting was much better. So we hang out after school and just chat, it's nice and secure. Three days later, spring break starts and I've loaned him a book from the book fair. After spring break, he ignores me and basically acts like nothing happened. I ask around a bit, and he is too scared to tell me that he wants to break up. I think I ended up confronting him and we broke up. And for the rest of the school year, he teased me to no end, and one day, with his friends, cornered me and I ended up running away from them and hiding behind the other girls in Orchestra, messaging my mom, and crying. Such wonderful experiences, right?

These people have slightly ruined my faith in the human race and really showed me that some boys are just jerks. However, I also have had some mixed relationships with boys. For example, Alex, in 7th Grade.

Alex was my crush basically the entire seventh grade, and lots of girls liked him, and still do, with his witty nature, playful actions, blonde curly hair, and blue-grey eyes, what's not to like? I had him in one class for a semester and one full year. Tech-ed and English. He is really sweet, but... Really religious. That's not a bad thing, that's not what I'm saying. It's just that I am a non believer in any religion, and would like scientific proof before I decide to believe blindly in anything. After all, the Holy Bible could've been written by some random guy, or group of people, and it was just shown as truth. I don't know, and I have nothing against people who choose to believe in a higher being or purpose, it's just when they decide to push their belief system upon me, I have issues with them. I will get into this in the next chapter, but what happened is I liked him, he played with my stuff(earrings, stole my water bottle, stole my pencils, etc.), I slipped a note in his locker that I liked him, he never gave me a straight answer, and he forced his beliefs on me. In a nutshell. And I still liked him. And so did my friend Elizabeth. And she still likes him, and he might like her. And although I don't think I have feelings for him, I can't help think, why was I not good enough? What's the difference between me and Elizabeth? She went to a religious group at school? She goes for the doughnuts, moron. We both cuss, we both like the same music, we are both sassy, she just flirts more. And isn't taller than you. And is prettier and wears more makeup. And I'm sorta insecure. So, that concludes the section on boys. I'll post a part two if anything happens, but I doubt that, with my non-existant love life.... Yeah, it's a sore spot. Just a bit. But I may have another crush, so, who knows?


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