Your First Date

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Gerard: You and Gerard on your first date is obvious. He takes you to a comic convention! His love for comics and art bleeds into you, and you find yourself hooked on his every word as he explains his favorite superheroes, the history of DC Comics and his own plans for future comics. It didn't take much after that to completely fall in love with him.

Frank: Frank takes you to a concert. He wants to introduce you to a punk band he loves called the Misfits. He shows you a tattoo on his leg he has of theirs, and helps get you right up the front to see them up close. He also helps fight off a few guys who try to get a little too close to you. After that the Misfits become your favorite band.

Ray: He takes you into his studio, shows you how he makes music. Often overlooked in his own band, he has you captivated as he alone composes a track about falling in love, the lyrics bringing a tear to your eye. He even lets you sing a few lines on it, before revealing to you that it's about you.

Mikey: Mikey takes you out for coffee. He's a little awkward, but after a bit of caffeine he's suddenly so full of life, and extremely cute. It wasn't long before you had a second date.

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