Chapter 4

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That evening when Sunni goes back home, he had a wide smile and was happy. His first day at work was amazingly incredible. He didn't feel any of the tiredness that was fighting its way out of him. It was immensely satisfying knowing how much he could help the orphanage.

But all in all, he had to do the one thing he refused to do. Move out of the orphanage. The journey from the house to the castle was too much. It took him one hour of constant walking to go to and from the castle. At this rate, he would not survive the journey back.

But still, he greeted the children with smiles as his heart exploded in a pang of guilt from their innocence. He would miss this. He would miss them and everything that he would leave behind.

After dinner, Sunni quietly walked to his room and started to pack his stuff. There was not much to bring to the castle except for a few articles of clothing  and some clean underwear. His state of economy had limited his choice of a wardrobe and he understood very much why the castle guard had called him a slave. He look like one, no doubt about it.

Tomorrow, he would leave before dawn so that the children wouldn't have to bid him farewell. He had always hated the feeling. It didn't make any sense why you had to say goodbye to the person you love. When you love someone, it is only logical that you should stay with that person to the very end. That's the whole point of loving, to be by each others side.

But strangely, humans sometimes do the wrong things for the right reasons.

He doesn't need to be all emotional. He had asked Armand for a day off once a week so that he could come back home to the children and his mother's. That way he could assure that he would see them just enough.

When morning arrived, Sunni had already set his foot on the entrance of the kitchen door. One of the ladies who were required to come early greeted him with a warm smile. Sunni nodded his head and smiled back. Then, he proceeded to do his chores.

Armand arrived into the kitchen just as Sunni was sweeping the floor. His eyes accidentally caught Armand's, and out of nowhere, a blush crept between his cheeks. Nevertheless, he smiled at Armand.

Instead of smiling back, Armand walks towards Sunni and god knows how nerve wracking it is for Sunni to have such a  gorgeous man strolling towards him.

Armand himself couldn't stand the fact that he can just see Sunni's face. All night long, Sunni’s face crept into his mind invading every space and thought he had. As soon as he saw Sunni, the urge to be closer to him was strong enough to make him shamelessly walk up to him.

Was he in love?


Very funny indeed...

"Good morning Sunni." Armand smiles warmly.

"Good morning. How are you today?"

"I'm fine, I guess. You?"



"Good to you too then?”

Soon enough, both men were laughing at each other's awkwardness that they themselves didn't realize.

"I guess I better get back to work then." Armand turns around and walks away hesitantly. His footsteps were heavy but not as heavy as his heart.

"Have a good day then." Sunni says.

Later that evening, the kitchen was strangely...busy. Everyone kept running around as if there was going to be a natural disaster of some sort.

What on earth is going on?

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