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Chapter Six (unedited)

Raphael in wolf form on the side!


Lucas was seething

he was pissed alright

Savanna should have been home by now- it was damn nine in the evening yet there was no sign of her

"You got to stop being like a protective father Luke, it's still early plus this is her first time. I know Aaron will bring her back, Amanda said so" Raphael came barreling through the kitchen door when he spoke. He's eyes watched him in curiosity at his brothers odd behavior

Lucas silently cringed at the word father. He was no father god dammit! And certainly not to her

Lucas though only grunted at his brother and fiercely said

"You brought her here to train" he hiss. "She was suppose to learn the things she's capable off not bringing her here to live like humans-"

"Lucas, you make her seem like she's a pet" Raphael hissed. True, they had brought her here because they knew Savanna was no longer safe in the were world for it was slowly corrupted by hate and darkness. Something was happening and the only answer they know was her.

"We did not promise her anything!"

"But My wife promised her mother that she will live happy. She told me, she should do things freely like she had herself"

"I am your leader!"he gritted out

"But I am also your brother Luke, your not heartless and I can see that. You care for the pup" Raphael seemed to hit him in the spot because Lucas flinched from the fact he had refused in the beginning

"You do not know what I feel, and it's not your god damn business anyway" he hiss before storming away. Lucas stop in his tracks when he began to hear a car engine. It seemed like it was coming. He knew it was them, He could smell that mutt he call his PA. With a grunt he began to walk towards the front door with blazing fury

Just when he came near the door, He heard Aaron's muffled voice behind it, but he clearly heard it loud and clear

"I had fun Aaron, Thank you. I hope you could show me more"

"I would love to-"

Aaron didn't get to finish his sentence when Lucas pulled the door too hard that it surprised both of them. Savanna whirled around to see him but hesitated in talking when she saw he's eyes were black, His veins began to show that she was worried it might pop. She opened her mouth but nothing left her lips when he pulled her closely to him but his eyes were trained toward the human


"what? Lucas let me go, I want to talk to him!" she hiss but her words only passed his ears like it was a bug to him

"Good evening Mr. Andreadis-"

"I said leave!" He roared just as Aaron flinched at his harsh voice. In defeat he looked at the apologetic Savanna and gave her a small smile

"Good bye Savanna" with one more glance, he turned and left into his car with a smile

As the car vanished amongst the trees, Savanna swiftly turned to the oaf who just ruined her night

"well thanks dad, you just ruined my first friend"

this statement snapped Lucas from his sanity. His eyes blazed in fire as he took a big step in front of her, making her eyes widen in surprise

"I'm not your father dammit!"  she gave a squeak when his fist collided with the wall- the sound of a crack didn't seem like it was coming from the wall but in fact it was his hand. She could only stand frozen when he stood just meters away from her as a stench of mint fanned against her face. The way his eyes assess her face brought her in haze as she watched his expression soften but as seconds past, his anger returned. When she made a slight sound- it seemed like it snap him out of a trance before cursing

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