(13) Know Your Enemy

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Chapter Thirteen (unedited)

Things weren't getting any better, the thought of leaving a place you had believed would be your new home suddenly changed and the next thing you know. You don't know where you belong

You were wanted in you hometown for being different and a murderer, this time she was wanted because she had blinded a royal blood who had the gift of telepathy, the power to actually see other people's past, it's slightly different from seers who could envision the future 

Now she's a dead woman. The vampires were pissed and they knew the truth. Well- once Victoria comes home to tell them, it may take a day or two that way they got time to pack

Savanna sighed against her window where she looked at the forest in front of her

She would miss this

The silence, the way she didn't have to train with her father and be on guard or have responsibilities. She loves her life here and knowing she couldn't stay here any longer sucked

Savanna stared openly at the field until she heard her phone ring, quietly she pick up the phone without looking at the caller ID



Her eyebrows furrowed when she heard Aaron's voice. She took the phone out of her ear to look and there his name was

"Aaron? Hey what happened?"

"I-I I heard you're leaving, my sister told be just hours ago. Could you come down?" Shocked she hastily look down and there he is. Looking at her widow with a smile on his face

"Give me a minute" she took of, changed into the dress she wore this morning and opened her window

"What are you-" he whispered but cursed when Savanna climbed the vine that grew just beside her window and jumped when she was low enough

"God Savanna don't do that! You're going to break your neck" he seemed worried and shock from her idea of leaving the house but Savanna only took his hands and ran towards the woods where Lucas wouldn't be able to smell him

"Wait- oh shit! Savanna your too fast!" When they were far enough she turned and look guiltily at Aaron who was breathing hard

"I'm sorry" she said but shook it off with a shaky laugh

"I'm out of shape" he joked one again while she laughed

"Why are you here Aaron? Lucas will be pissed that you came here"

He only looked at her sadly as a sigh left his plump lips "Jessica told me your leaving tomorrow and you didn't let us see you-"

"I wasn't allowed-"

"Yes but you can't leave it like that? I mean Jessica's your friend, Kesha and Berlin and me?"

"Of course you guys are! It's just..." She trailed of not knowing what to say but slowly said "I can't be here anymore. They want me back home and I really don't have a say to it"

"So will never see each other again" Savanna would have melted at his sad face. He looked disappointed and frustrated that she couldn't help but hug him

"I'm really going to miss you all. You guys are the best people ever" she murmured against his chest while his arms instinctively wrapped around her in a tight grip

"This really sucks" he stated against her hair while she laughed in agreement

"It is"

"But since we won't be seeing each other can I do something I'm not supposed to do?" Savanna was curious that she slowly nodded but froze when his head swoop down and captured her lips in a soft sensation. She wanted to push him but being in his arms was comforting although not like when Lucas had held her in their practice in a none loving way, she still felt the sparks but Aaron on the other hand felt like she was free to do anything

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