(29) Enchantments And Goodbyes

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Chapter Twenty Nine (unedited)

Days became weeks and weeks became Months. The more time sped, Savanna realized she had weakened. Every little thing never got back and now they were both suffering.

They were near to war

The wolves came prepared. Leaders who agreed stayed into Alaric's land. Some had stayed into a closer meter so they could plan with the others. The days had been busy yet she of all wolves stayed on her room once again. Nothing was developing. Amanda was still in coma, Raphael lost too much strength to help and Lucas....

Lucas never once looked at her any longer. It bothered her so much that she was doubting if he felt the pain of the mates space. How he didn't look affected as she is.

How could every stand there and still be him. How could he talk in front like a leader- a leader who wasn't suffering like the woman he marked was

She didn't even think she wanted to be titled as his 'mate' anymore

She was too tired

Too weak to fight him anymore

Too consumed by her thoughts, her eyes had wandered though the open fields where she saw some armed men practicing. The archers not far away and the others stood to watch. For some reason, watching them and knowing this would be too great to watch and sit still, she should be there too. Practicing since she'll die after this

A bitter laugh escaped her. Yet the pain stood erect in her heart that Savanna couldn't ignore it. She was going to die

"What do I do mother" she whispered. She wasn't crazy. She knew way she heard last night despite the pain that was amused that moment, she knew she wasn't hallucinating. She heard her.

She wasn't crazy

"Hear me mother. Please hear my voice" she begged. She had to be here with her

Suddenly she remembered. It was like a switched had turned on into her head as she tried to remember the time they told her the story of how Vashka had the ability to call out those restless souls

With hope, she stood and paced around the room. Her mind jumbled with a plan that she may regret later but if it cause to see her mother then she's willing to do it

She slowly closed her eyes. The mind blank as she chanted the goddess to help her, help her crazy plan to contact someone dead

Her mind lost agaisnt nothingness. HEr soul rested agaisnt her body yet she felt it shift. The sound and feeling that she had carried herslef away from reality and life but as she concentrated more, she heard an unmistakable sound of a woman

"Mother!" she gasp. HEr heart beating erratcally as her eyes went wide and open only to see herself in an area filled with flowers. The pasture green and healthy as she searched the place. This felt too peacful and filled with great adventue' she thought

"Beautiful isnt it my dear?"

Suddenly, Savanna whirled where she looked behind. A woman, HEr hair dark as night yet her face unseen but Savanna just knew.

This was her mother

"Mother?" she choked. Her mind on jumbled thought as she thought of billions of questions she wanted to ask yet she remained frozen and tongue tide. This woman....

Her skin pale like a goddess, her body covered in white cloth yet what caught her attention more was the locket she had on her neck. The same necklace she wore now

She must be dreeaming right now... This has to be a dream

So she was right. Having Vashkas blood,It gave her her abilities just as the Goddess herself

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