(12) Attraction For Death

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Chapter Twelve (unedited)

It was Monday once again. Everything was normal, she'd go to school with Jessica, she would see Aaron sometimes too. Things were normal but their was a thing that change

Lucas never spoke to her again

After the day they almost kissed, Raphael and Amanda came home with a bag of groceries. They laughed and made jokes until Raphael came shouting their names. This was brought Lucas and Her to a stop

She didn't know if she should be thankful or pissed that nothing happened because the fact was, she guiltily wanted it to but at the same time, she was worried what would happen If it did. Would he see her in another light or will she be a one step forward and ten steps back like what was happening now?

Now all Savanna did was think as she isolated herself in her room. Her mind jumbled in whole big world of her thoughts that only one subjects consists of it


She texted Jessica if she wanted to hangout since they didn't have classes but disappointment washed through her when she declined saying she had to work on her part time job. She couldn't ask Aaron since he had working in the office while Lucas? Hes actually in his office doing what ever he is doing. through the days she schooled, she learned a lot and not just about medical but things such as careers and different opportunities. Thousands actually and you get to choose what you wish to do. She grew smarted and had a lot of knowledge. although collage was quite what Jessica had said, she did experienced being invited to frat parties, Jessica's friend had suggested or when other students would ask her. But of course she declined. True she was curios but with everything going on, she didnt think partying would be the right time to do now

  She had texted Aaron once, Instantly he replied but at moment who would be busy he couldnt even reply to messages, she was guity for messaging but Aaron protested that he was happy she texted. And thats how she began having conversations with him every break.

"I want to see you again" he whispered, Savanna smiled at Aaron's voice

"Me too, I really wanted to see more of the city, too bad your boss is being an ass" she joked, She even heard him snort in agreement "Im dying from boredom, you think you can come on over?" he replied with a sigh

"I'm pretty sure Lucas banned me from visiting the Andreadis mansion. Don't know why but I think he's starting to hate me"

"I'm sure he did" she muttered with a groan. Savanna had been stuck in her room because Lucas thought it was best she should read the wolves history. She knew much from Raphael ad Amanda but Lucas was begiining to put her on edge with his strict personality

"anyway I should go, my breaks alsmost over"

"sure sure, Bye Aaron"

"bye" the phone clicked as she drop the object to the bed where she laid, staring aimlessly at nothing bot her ceiling, slowly she turned when she got an idea

Savanna decided she should rummage her mothers things, maybe find something precious to her or memoriable. With that thought she hurridly left her room and into her mothers which was on the east wing. When she got their, she slowly opened the white door and is greeted by silence. Slowly she went towards her wardrobe where she found it spacious with about four clothes in it, Some were old fashioned from old generation. She even had dresses made in rugs. WHen she was finished she looked at the boxes under where she found old pictures of her. As she looked she thought

Her mother lived in a wonderful life. Most pictures, her hair would change colors. She saw Sarah in blond, a brunet and even a punk rock chick look. A laugh escaped her mouth as she watched another photo, this time it was her and father.

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