Chapter one: the new kid

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I hope you'll enjoy this story of mine~ have a good read everyone .xx 

A/N - if you see me updating this and my other stories, that is because I'm currently editing them.  


Ⓣhe male students were crashing into each other; they didn't care whether they knocked out each other's books or not. They didn't care if some students stumbled, or even fell down onto the floor.

Jeon Jungkook was under the impression the students - and even the teachers - were very carefree. The moment the boy sat his feet on this all boy school's property, he hadn't received anything but dirty looks in his way.

Jungkook happened to be a Senior - having his fourth year in high school and being the oldest - and it may wasn't that common to start a new school unless you'd be in the first grade, and that may had been the reason from the stares he received, though it made him feel unwelcome.

The dark haired boy wriggled around the school to find his locker where his books were supposed to be. However - for this supposed so mini school - it wasn't really that little: it had many confusing hallways and lots of doors, and Jungkook was lost already though he just thought he had entered the building. He felt as if he was in a maze, and alone as none of the males around him took his time to actually help him out when he couldn't hide his obvious confusion and stressed out face. He tried poking someone's backs to get their attention, but they just gave him a cold shoulder and disappeared from his sight right away.

However, surprisingly, one male actually turned around when he poked him on his arm whilst talking to another student. "Yes?" he asked before he even laid his eyes on new the boy. The student's eyes seemed to had lit up from the moment he locked eyes with the raven haired student. "How can I help you?"

His appearance made Jungkook slightly speechless; he had brown hair that was falling perfectly over his forehead. It seemed so light it would easily blow up by the wind. His eyes were big and shiny, and when he looked directly into Jungkook's eyes, he felt nervous all of the sudden. And when he subtly glanced at the student's lips, he tried not to gulp at how perfect and big they were.

Jungkook pushed his thoughts away as he sighed relieved; finally someone was actually helping him. "I need to find my locker, but I have no idea where it is," he said awkwardly as he showed the student his schedule where the destination of his locker was at, and its number combination.

The chocolate brown haired student smiled when he first glanced at it. "Oh, it's really close by," he said as he looked up at Jungkook again, "I'll show you the way."

Jungkook couldn't hide his happiness in his grin. "Thank you so much," he thanked with a bow following.

He followed after the boy, slightly behind him, though he slowed down so they'd walk side by side, and he glanced over towards the new boy. "What's your name?" he asked. "You must be new, yeah?"

Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, I'm new here. I just moved in with my aunt." The student seemed to be waiting for the new boy, who was firstly confused, but then remember he didn't introduce himself. "Oh, right," he giggled embarrassed, "I'm Jeon Jungkook. I'm a new Senior here."

The student's jaw dropped by his introduction. "You're a Senior?" he asked gobsmacked. "You have such a baby-face I thought you were in the first year, and it's not usual people start their last year somewhere new," he giggled.

Jungkook scoffed it off; it wasn't really that new anymore when every single person in this area had literally said - or even just thought - the exact same thing. "I know, I've heard that. But, you know, family business made me come here in the middle of my high school years, so here I am." Jungkook didn't know why he was even explaining his situation to this boy. It's not like he cared, nor did he want to know.

"I'm Kim Taehyung by the way," he introduced himself as he smiled and held out his hand. "I'm also a Senior."

Jungkook admitted the other male was younger than him, but he became happy by the thought of they might become classmates. "Nice to meet you," Jungkook stuttered on his words and shook his hand a bit awkwardly.

Jungkook admitted he was a shy and awkward person. He didn't have a hard time to communicate with others, but he definitely didn't like being in a big crowd, and he definitely wasn't looking forward for his introduction to his new class that'd happen in just a few minutes.

Taehyung suddenly stopped, which almost caused Jungkook to bump into him, though he managed to avoid it. "So, here's your locker. Mine's on the other side of the hall over there," he presented as he pointed in the direction of his own locker, which Jungkook followed with his gaze. "If you need anything, you can ask me. Not many students here are any social with new people around here."

Jungkook snorted at his remark. No kidding, he thought to himself. "Thank you again, uh, Taehyung," he bowed again politely. "I'm grateful you took your time to show me my locker. You even walked away from your friends."

Taehyung smiled whilst waving his hands in front of him. "No, it's okay. I wasn't really busy, but class will start soon, so I'll see you later, Jeon Jungkook." He waved him off as he started to stroll away to his own locker; Jungkook found himself gazing after him, but tried to just scoff it off by finding his own books to his first subject, which was none other than the classical Math.

As the new boy searched around for his class, he finally found it and knocked on the door as it was closed. He mentally prayed the class hadn't already started, but jumped in surprise as he felt a hand over his shoulder.

"The class is just about to start," a tall man, obviously the teacher by his appearance and clothes, announced with a smile. He had dark brown hair with big round glasses, which made him look very smart. He was very handsome as well Jungkook had to point out; how come he ended up as a teacher, and not a model or actor?

"Alright, calm down everyone!" the teacher yelled out, with Jungkook following behind him like a helpless puppy, as he tried to calm the wild students down. When Jungkook glanced up at them, they were all fixed on him rather than the teacher, which made his forehead sweat. Just get it over with and then it'll be over, he thought as he tried to calm himself down. "This is our new student, uh," he looked over at Jungkook for help, as he must've forgotten his name.

"Jeon Jungkook." He didn't mean to whisper, but it just came out that way, but luckily the man heard him perfectly fine.

"His name is Jeon Jungkook and he'll start with us this year," he presented him. "You can go and sit beside the orange haired male in the third row over there by the windows," he smiled as he pointed over at the mentioned student.

Jungkook rushed over to sit down on his seat, smiling awkwardly towards his seatmate whilst silently putting his backpack beside his table. I just hoped this wouldn't be as bad as last time, he mentally prayed, not noticing his seatmate trying to communicate with him. 


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