Chapter three: I forgive you

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Heey guys! I hope you're enjoying this story so far. This chapter you'll see more of the friendship between Jungkook, Taehyung & Jimin .xx 


Ⓣhat day, Jungkook silently went back home to his aunt. She asked him how his first day was, and he honestly didn't know what to answer. At first he thought it was going great, but after seeing how Taehyung had acted, he wasn't too sure anymore.

He didn't understand why he suddenly turned him down; was it his way to say he didn't want to be friends? Did his friends want him to play a joke on him? Did they want him to make Jungkook mad at him because they were jealous of him talking to Jungkook?

He had so many questions, but all he could do was to wait to meet Taehyung again tomorrow at school.

When Jungkook arrived at the school the next day, he went straight to his locker as he brought out his English books. After locking it, he stood there for a moment in silence; he thought of the yesterday's events, and how Taehyung had ignored him.

As the male thought of what he thought was his friend, he appeared in sight, heading over towards his own locker. As Jungkook followed him with his eyes, he was the same Taehyung he was when he first met him: his eyes were warm again, but he looked sad. Really sad. He was just about to pass Jungkook, but the boy decided that he didn't want to stay silent and ask him.

"Taehyung!" he called out after him, which made him stop immediately and turn around to face him.

"Oh, Jungkook," he mumbled, looking a bit surprised he called him.

"What happened yesterday?" he asked confused, "I mean, weren't you supposed to show me around? Why did you just suddenly walk away without explaining?"

Taehyung's eyes dropped, and he didn't even look into Jungkook's eyes anymore. Something had happened. "Yeah, sorry about that," he smiled innocently as he rubbed the back of his head, looking up at the boy again. "My mom called and urged me to get home as soon as the school was over," he explained, "so I had to drop the plans I had with you, sorry." Jungkook could tell he really felt sorry, although what he said didn't sound too convincing.

"Was business then?" he asked confused. He didn't exactly look like he was in a rush.

"Yeah, it was," he said, but the more he talked, the more it looked like he was lying. "About yesterday, I'm really sorry," he suddenly started apologising. Jungkook glanced at him weirdly, but let him continue. "I acted weirdly, right? Honestly, I'm not very good at handling my emotions, and therefore I might seem a bit different and weird at times. I end up being rude and ignorant as well, but it's just one of the problems I have," he explained. He fell silent for a few seconds.

"I may seem polite and nice, but sometimes, on my bad days, I get really angry; I don't even realise myself what I'm actually doing, and I don't realise how I am towards others." He seemed totally heartbroken by the way he was talking; Jungkook felt sorry for him. He probably had gone through some stuff because of his emotional problems for him to be this sad. "You've gotten a few warnings, haven't you?" he suddenly asked, "about me?"

Jungkook jumped at the sudden question, but he had no choice than to answer honestly with a nod. "Jimin warned me yesterday about interacting with you", he admitted, "but I just ignored him."

Taehyung forced out a smile as he rested a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Jiminie has a reason why he's warning you Jungkook," he said, still forcing out his smile. "I'm warning you as well: it's not smart to be around me. Everyone around me ends up being tired and doesn't want to have anything to do with me any longer. I'm used to it, so please don't feel like you're a bad person for doing so. I'm not great with people to be honest, and I think you deserve better friends than I ever could be."

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