Chapter six: invite you to dinner

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Ⓔver since Jungkook arrived back to his aunt's house, he read through the student council map his homeroom teacher gave him as he told him to read it. He made sure to remember what it said and not look like a fool during the meeting.

It was Jungkook's first time to ever be a part of this; it was scary to him. He'd like to just keep quiet and hang around with his friend at school and nothing more, but of course that wouldn't happen, now would it. But Jungkook wasn't going to complain anymore: he had to accept the fact that this was something he had to live through with and accept it. He couldn't possibly convince his teacher to let someone else do it, and he didn't have a good excuse for it either. Therefore, he was ready to accept the – horrible – fate of his.

The classes went smoothly by, and as always, the two males ate lunch together, and then continued with their each separate classes.

Jungkook's last class for the day was English, and Seokjin being as stern as ever didn't let him go until the very end, and he had to make a run for it right after. He entered the classroom opposite of his, which Taehyung had introduced as where most of the student council meetings were held, and also by Seokjin, and he barged inside. There were some students there before him, whom were probably allowed to go ahead of class from their own teachers.

The black haired boy silently sat down at an available seat, ignoring the curious looks of the other students.

"Is he new?" one of them asked their friends.

"Probably. Never seen him before."

"Jungkook?" The said student raised his head up as he recognised the voice immediately. What was Taehyung doing here?

"Taehyung?" he gasped surprised at the sight of his friend entering and sitting down beside him. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Did you come to say goodbye or something?"

Taehyung snickered. "I'm here as the president student of my class," he grinned. Well, he didn't seem too sad about it.

"Wow," Jungkook said, "I didn't know that."

"Of course you didn't. I didn't tell you," he grinned in response.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and chuckled. "How come you're the president for your class though?"

"No one volunteered so I raised my hand to save them," he proudly announced. "How about you? Did you do the same?"

Definitely not. "Something like that," he muttered, not too engaged like the male beside him.

Throughout the meeting, Jungkook had never felt this bored in a long time. Taehyung didn't look as happy as before anymore, but he still tried to look positive and talk whenever he had to. Jungkook, on the other hand, made it obvious he'd rather jump out of the window that to stay in the room for much longer.

Luckily though, it ended within twenty minutes, and Taehyung and Jungkook were on their way home. "Hey, so, my parents found out we became friends – and don't ask me how – but they want to invite you to dinner," Taehyung shyly announced to Jungkook, whose mouth had fell open. Was Taehyung actually inviting him over to dinner? "They want to invite you on Saturday if that's okay with you," he smiled. "Oh, and my whole family will be there, so you'll get to meet them." Were Jungkook's eyes playing tricks on him, or was the boy in front of him actually blushing? He looked so embarrassed that he completely avoided Jungkook's gaze like his life depended on it.

"That'd be great, yeah," Jungkook immediately agreed and smiled, which caused the other to nearly jump in surprise, as if he expected him to turn down his offer. Now Jungkook was going to make sure nothing would come up on Saturday.

"Really? All right, I'll talk with them tonight and tell you the rest of the plans tomorrow," he grinned and was about to turn around, but Jungkook grabbed his arm to stop him.

Okay, man up now Jungkook. You got to take the perfect opportunity. "Maybe it'd be better if, er, we'd exchange our numbers? To keep in touch you know." This time it was Jungkook's turn to blush madly and feel embarrassed.

Taehyung on the other hand was grinning madly whilst giving Jungkook's his number and the other way round.

For the rest of the day, Jungkook's attention was fully on his phone, hoping to hear anything from his friend. Even aunt Hani was curiously glancing at him in the longue, smiling at his cute behaviour.

"Did something interesting happen at school today?" she asked curiously, hoping to get a response.

Jungkook automatically answered. "Oh yeah." He ignored her eyes so she wouldn't see his red face.

"Oh?" she smirked. "What happened if I may ask?"

Now he didn't have a choice. "A friend of mine said his family invited me to dinner this weekend," he shortly explained, leaving out details as why this meant so much to him. Even he himself didn't know why he was so happy about it.

"Really?" she asked surprised. "I'm glad you're making friends Jungkook-ah," she smiled, "and don't be afraid to ask him over to dinner here at any time either. I'd be happy to meet a close friend of yours." Jungkook wondered why she had assumed close friend when he literally started his first day on Monday, but judging by his behaviour, it may not seem that weird to her.

"Okay," he said, "thanks."

Taehyung didn't text him until he was in bed. Right before he dozed off, a mute vibration waked him up again on his nightstand. Without any hesitation, he read the message immediately.

'Sorry for texting you this late (and it's Taehyung btw), but I just wanted to say goodnight. I haven't spoken to my family yet as they were quite busy today, but I'll definitely talk to them tomorrow and I'll text you then. Sorry (again), and goodnight (again). X Taehyungie~'

Jungkook chuckled softly at his text. Could he get anymore adorable? He texted him back goodnight and went to bed with a smile on his face. 

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