Chapter ten: I believe in you

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"Ⓘ'm such a horrible friend," he bawled, "how could I press you to tell me something you didn't want to? Why didn't you punch me? Why didn't you just escape from me?" he cried out. "What did I do?"

Taehyung was left absolutely speechless. He didn't know Jungkook felt like this. To be fully honest with himself, he knew he'd tell Jungkook one day, just not this soon, and that's why he panicked; not because Jungkook pressured him. "Jungkook, you didn't pressure me," he said seriously. "If I absolutely didn't want to tell you, then I wouldn't. I would push you away like I did before. But I trust you, that's why I didn't."

Jungkook stopped talking, but he didn't stop crying. But Taehyung had to giggle to himself: they both were such cry-babies. "Thank you," he finally said. "I was so worried I pressured you just because I thought of myself rather than you."

Jungkook had never felt this bad about something before. He felt absolutely horrible, but Taehyung was so understanding it didn't bother him at all.

He deserves to know, Jungkook thought to himself before he finally forced himself to stop weeping. "I'm sorry for running away this morning," Jungkook apologised. "I panicked." It was a lame and short explanation, but that was the truth.

Jeon Jungkook panicked.

Taehyung leaned forward to hug Jungkook comfortably, and make him feel less sad and stressed. He wanted him to feel his sincerity of their friendship.

But what none of them noticed, was their heartbeats were moving in a loud sharing rhythm. Both of them were happy by the other's embrace. Both of them could feel the heat from the other that was so accepting and caring.

Jungkook tried to tell his heart to stop beating so loudly, afraid the other might hear or feel it, but it wouldn't obey.

"It's okay Jungkookie. I'm not forcing you to tell me anything," Taehyung reassured him. "I can just tell there's definitely stuff bothering you, but just because you found out stuff about me, doesn't mean I'll force you into telling me more about yourself. We have all the time we need," he explained.

Jungkook stared amazed at him. When did I ever deserve such a great friend like him? "I'll tell you," he muttered before turning towards him. "My family isn't a happy one like yours. Mine isn't even close," he started, "I live with my aunt, as I've told you, and that's why I moved here. I originally grew up in Busan, but my dad died when I was young, and my mother couldn't take it. She was a heavily drinker and did drugs. She even came close to murder someone when she was drunk and high, and she was sent to jail recently. My only family member left that isn't in jail or dead is aunt Hani, but she isn't exactly the cleanest person either. She did drugs and drank before taking me in, but she promised to stop so I wouldn't end up on the child-takers." Jungkook remembered his promise to aunt Hani that he wouldn't tell anyone he recently caught her smoking as well, and he wouldn't, unless she did so again. She promised she'd stop herself.

"Wow, that's so different than to me," Taehyung muttered, which caught Jungkook's attention. Did he think Jungkook would turn out like that as well? "Are you afraid of me?" he asked.

Taehyung frowned at him. "Afraid? Why should I be?"

The black haired male turned away to avoid his eyes. "Because I'm still related to them. I have their blood. Blood of a criminal - "

"I don't," Taehyung murmured softly, interrupting Jungkook's useless and stupid thoughts. "I believe in you." Before Jungkook could even say something else, Taehyung had softly placed his hand to his face and caressed his chin before making him turn towards him and kissed him softly.

Jungkook didn't have time to kiss him back. He didn't even think of kissing him back. All he thought of was he didn't want Taehyung to see him enjoying it. He didn't want him to see his face that was so red he might have eaten all the chilli in the world. "W - w - wha," stuttered, stumbling on his own words. "I - I - w - n - w." Before even giving himself - or Taehyung - a chance to speak further, he quickly turned around and ran away at the highest speed possible to hide. He had to hide away from Taehyung. He couldn't see him like this.

This flustered.

And this happy. 


Okay this is such a short chapter, and a tease, but I was literally born evil so this was too tempting. Overall, I hope you enjoyed it, and just continue reading to the next following chapter to find out what happened .xx 

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