Chapter fifteen: tell him

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Ⓙungkook was confused. His mind couldn't focus anymore for the rest of the day; he had just found out something big, and Taehyung didn't know anything about it. He didn't like keeping secrets from Taehyung. Not like this. He had to tell him. Even if it'd hurt him, but he still deserved to know the truth.

After school ended, Jungkook headed straight to Taehyung house as he knew V would go there and not back to class, and he was right when he reached his bedroom. He didn't bother to knock as he just entered, and he found the male sleeping on the bed. He made cute little sounds like a puppy, and it made a huge grin appear on Jungkook's face.

He closed the door silently behind him and got in bed as well to lay down beside him. He couldn't help but to stare at the most beautiful face his eyes had ever laid on. And when he was sleeping, his furrowed eyebrows were completely gone. His sad eyes Jungkook saw often were gone as well. The only thing visible was how peaceful he seemed.

Jungkook had fallen asleep as he was lying next to his boyfriend, and he woke up again by some pair of hands caressing his chest.

"You awake yet?" said the same deep voice he loved so much to hear.

"Mhm," he let out with a deep sigh as he woke up again and opened his eyes to look at the same person he fell asleep watching.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung smiled at him, seeming very surprised to have found him next to him.

"Sleeping beside my boyfriend," Jungkook grinned back as he had grabbed his hand softly and held onto it tightly and affectionately.

"V must've appeared again, huh," Taehyung muttered silently as they both sat up again, "that's why I'm here, isn't it?"

Jungkook nodded. "Actually, something happened at school that I should tell you," he started off, which made Taehyung stare at him curiously. "Like you said, V appeared and I think everyone noticed because he kept going to each classroom as he was looking for someone."

Taehyung's eyes widen as he checked Jungkook's body. "Was he looking for you? Did he hurt you?"

Jungkook shook his head. "No, I'm fine, but the thing is that I wasn't the person he was looking for."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "You're the only person he knows at my school though?"

Jungkook shook his head again. "Actually, he was looking for Park Jimin." Taehyung's jaw dropped, but he didn't say anything and waited for the other to continue. "He dragged him out of the classroom, and I didn't know they knew each other, so I was curious and followed them out to the hallway, and I actually overheard their conversation." Jungkook was nervous to continue as he was afraid how Taehyung would react. He certainly didn't want to see his boyfriend crushed or betrayed, but it wasn't his fault in the first place, but Carrot Head. "They were talking about how V felt betrayed for Jimin saying he had moved. And before that, they were seeing each other."

Taehyung couldn't look more confused. He literally looked like Jungkook was talking in another language he couldn't understand. "Seeing each other?" he asked confused.

"Yes," Jungkook said, "Jimin and V was meeting each other behind your back. And it wasn't just friendship; they were doing sexual activities together."

This triggered Taehyung as he immediately jumped like he was being scared to death, and he quickly got off the bed.

"S - se - sexual activities?" he cried.

Jungkook nodded. "Jimin tried telling him off as he tried to avoid him and that's why he told him he was gone, but as V found out he's still here, he'll probably still chase after him until he gets what he wants, or till he disappears."

Taehyung was completely frozen. He stood completely still in the middle of the room, not budging one bit.

Jungkook got off the bed as well and walked up to him. "I'm sorry, I wasn't sure to tell you or not, but I figured you deserved to know the truth as I don't want to hide anything from you."

Taehyung finally moved his gaze onto Jungkook with a soft smile. "Thanks for telling me Jungkookie," he said, "I'm glad you told me instead of pretending to not know."

Jungkook smiled back at him. "Are you okay?"

Taehyung dropped down on the bed again as he sat there still, and Jungkook sat down with him. "I guess. It's a lot to take in, and it's so shocking, but then again it's not. V does everything I dislike and he wants me to hate him more than ever as he gets stronger from it."

Jungkook's eyes widen. So V wanted him to know this?

"But I'm not going to please him and hate him more than before. I'll just think of it as a stupid thing in the past," he smiled, "Jimin still doesn't stay in contact with him, right?"

Jungkook shook his head. "No, he's avoiding him as well."

Taehyung nodded pleased. "As long as V doesn't get to him, it should be fine."

"Something else happened as well though," Jungkook added, gaining the other's attention yet again. "I was defending Jimin as they were arguing to tell him off and stop him, and he was so pissed at me. He swore he'd get revenge on me, and I really don't think he was kidding. He hates me more than ever now."

Taehyung thought for a moment before talking again. "I'm sure he'll get over it. He's not the nicest guy, but he doesn't do that much harm either. Sure he gets physical sometimes, but it's not he has sent someone to the hospital or something," Taehyung reassured him, which made him feel ten times lighter.

"I'll make sure to win him over, and then get him back to your personality so you'll be one again," Jungkook grinned at him, which only made Taehyung smile from his remark.

"Thank you for wanting to help me," he smiled back, and leaned in for a kiss.

The next day at school Jungkook was ready to talk to Jimin again. He wasn't his number one fan, but he needed to ask him further about V. Jungkook was absolutely determined to make V like him. If he did, then it'd mean he'd be closer to be like Taehyung, and he'd fall back.

Honestly, Jungkook had been searching on the internet the whole night about D.I.D and how to cure it; there's multiple ways to do so, but you just have to try different methods and how it'd work on the person who had it. He read that if the disturbed personality liked the same as the original body owner and they started to resemble another, then they'd go back to being one, and that was the most realistic and achievable to Jungkook.

"Hey, Jimin," Jungkook called out when he saw his seatmate sitting at his seat.

He immediately glanced up, and for a split second, Jungkook thought he saw fear in his eyes. He honestly looked scared to death. "Hey... Jungkook," he replied, barely in a whisper.

"Uhm, you okay?" he asked with a frown as he sat down on his seat.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Can I ask further about you and V?" he asked straightforward.

Jimin hesitated, but still nodded. "Okay."

"Thanks," he smiled at him, "I want to know how V had been acting around you, and how you met for the first time, and why you decided to meet him in secret."

"And why exactly do you want to know?" Jimin asked as he raised an eyebrow at him. "Out of curiosity?"

"Because I want to help Taehyung and get rid of him to send him back to Taehyung so he can at least have control over him and not 'fall asleep' whenever he appears."

Jimin fell silent for a bit before replying. "I'll tell you if it helps Taehyung." Jungkook nodded, and Jimin took a deep breath before starting to talk.

"Class will start now!" the teacher called out as she suddenly appeared in the classroom, and Jimin closed his mouth immediately.

"Let's talk in lunch," Jungkook muttered before turning his book to the right page the teacher wrote on the blackboard. 

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