Chapter seventeen: we are one (final chapter)

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Ⓗe had no one.

So with that, Jungkook scooped closer and wrapped his arms around him; he guided his head to rest on his shoulder, and it was easier than he thought. V followed his directions and cried onto his shoulders.

"You - you're right," he stuttered, "I really don't have anyone."

"But you do have now," Jungkook said back, but V seemed to have ignored his words and continued crying as if he hadn't said anything.

"All this time, I kept on ignoring everyone because they wanted to get rid of me, so I just hated them all. I have no one," he cried harder.

"V," Jungkook said as he pushed him slightly away to look him in the eyes. Seeing him crying and fragile like that made him look more like Taehyung than the other personality. "Don't you get it? Who's arms are you literally crying in now? Whose house are you living in? What people are right below us, worrying about you daily?"

V snorted. "Worrying about Taehyung, you mean."

"Wrong again," Jungkook smiled as he dried his tears. "You'd be surprised to see how they'd be if you changed your attitude towards them."

V stared at him confused. "What do you mean?"

Jungkook smiled sweetly at him, which for the first time made V's heart flutter. Not even Jimin managed to do that. "Let me show you."

Jungkook grabbed his hand softly as he guided them off of the bed, opened the door, and then down the stairs. Luckily everyone was gathered in the longue.

Jungkook cleared his throat to gain their attention, and all four heads turned at once.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Mrs Kim asked as she spotted V crying, not realising it was him yet.

"Mrs Kim, Mr Kim, Baekhyun, Daehyun," Jungkook started, "this is V," he introduced them like it was their first time meeting another. "V, this is your family."

"Idiot," V muttered at him, "we've met before."

"No, they've met the mad and grumpy V," Jungkook corrected him, "not the sad and hurt V."

All the other's eyes widen and continued to stare at them curiously. "What do you mean?" Mr Kim asked this time.

"V's not mad anymore," Jungkook told them, "he realised he's been pushing everyone away because of anger and he didn't open up, but he's ready for that now. He's ready to get help."

Suddenly everyone started cheering, and even the brothers jumped up and attacked V with hugs and compliments. "Way to go V," Daehyun cheered.

"I knew you'd give in one day," Baekhyun laughed as he ruffled his hair. Jungkook saw a genuine smile on V's face; he could tell he was happy.

Finally he was accepting help and letting people in.

Days, weeks, and even months passed. The longer it went, the less V appeared. But now it wasn't even a bad thing anymore.

Jungkook was literally living over at their place. V was opening more and more, and he was allowing professional help. Once a week Taehyung went to see a therapist, and it was helping. Taehyung was also learning how to deal with his emotions better, which also was preventing V into appearing that often.

Before they knew it, he was appearing less than once a month, which was a new record. Taehyung was proud. His family was proud. Jungkook was proud.

"I couldn't have done it without you," Taehyung always told him, then a kiss always followed after.

Jungkook giggled. "It's not, but I'll accept it," he smirked.

"What did you tell him anyways? To change his mind, that is," he asked curiously.

"We have to study Taehyungie," he teased as he poked his forehead and playfully turned his head to look at the Math book in front of him.

"Come on," he whined, "tell me."

Jungkook laughed, but then thought back months ago. "Pretty harsh things, actually," he admitted, "I said he was shutting people out, saying that he was the opposite of you, and that he was completely alone."

"Wow, that is harsh," Taehyung giggled, "but as long as it worked, I'm happy you did what you did."

"Yeah, it was my whole plan for the next time I saw him," he grinned proudly, "I wanted to push him to his limits until he'd break down and actually listen to me."

Taehyung leaned in closer to him again and gave him a sweet long kiss. "I'm glad I have a smart boyfriend," he smiled after their kissed, still holding their faces close to each other. 

Jungkook was sure Taehyung would eventually get rid of V, and finally become one person in oJungkook was sure Taehyung would eventually get rid of V, and finally become one person in one body. Although it wasn't bad meeting V anymore, it was still a problem to Taehyung, and V had realised so, and he had completely given up trying to appear, which also helped the other one more.

In just a year, or even a few more months, he'd be well and healthy, and one. And until he'd do so, and even after, Jungkook would always love him, and he'd always be there for him. He'd always love the person who opened up to him first, and whom he opened up to as well. He'd never forget the time they spent together, and he was looking forward to spend more time with his boyfriend, even after school - and not just high school. If he could, he wanted to propose to him already, which he seriously talked to him about, but Taehyung only laughed it off and replied "we're too young Jungkookie, but I'm not going to anywhere, so ask me in the future." It made the raven haired boy look forward towards the future when they both had graduated college, and living together, because Jungkook was never going to let the love of his life slip away through his fingers; not after everything they had gone through together.

They loved each other, and they'd continue to love the other eternity.

That's what Kim Taehyung believed. That's what Jeon Jungkook believed. That's what they both believed in - together, as one. 

The end.


Wow now this story has ended as well! Thank you so much for everyone who's been reading this story! I love writing VKook, and I keep getting ideas for them, so please keep updated to my future vkook stories as well! I hope you'll like them, and I really hope you enjoyed this one as well.

As I said before, I don't really have much knowledge of D.I.D, so I just wrote whatever came to mind; I hope it worked out well enough though. Hope you all liked it, and please comment what you liked and what you didn't like.

Thank you everyone for reading, and thank you so much for your support. I love you all, and continue to stay awesome .xx

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