What is he THINKING??

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[In the Oreo Girlz dressing room]

Diamond POV:

[ I look up at the TV and there is Prod front and center on the stage]

Morgz: What is he doing?

Keke: I don't know, but I don't think this is supposed to happen.


Prodigy: I want to dedicate this song to the MOST beautiful girl! You know who you are. [ Points to the crowd and winks. He then begins to sing Future]

[Ray has this look like he wants to hurt Prod]

Diamond: What was that about? I wonder who he is talking to because I know it ain't me!

[Keke and Morgz look at each other as if to say "You know DAMN well he is talking about you!"]

Khalil: [Graps my hand and smiles] So can we go talk now?

Diamond: Sure!! 

Morgz: *whispers* Use protection!

Diamond: Whatever lol!

[We go into the hallway and I close the door]

Khalil: [staring into my eyes] You are one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen!

Diamond: [blushes] ummmm.......uh....

Khalil: I couldn't take my eyes off of you while you were on stage tonight.

Diamond: [looks down and smiles].........uh.....

Khalil: [He puts his finger under my chin and lifts my face up and takes a step closer] I really mean it and I don't lie. 

[Then he kisses me deeply. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer and I put my hand on his chest feeling his muscles. I pull away and look towards the door.]

Diamond: One moment please. [I open the door to our dressing room and Keke and Morgz fall into the hallway] I knew it!

Keke: It was all Morgz!

Morgz: Man why are you blaming me!! This wasn't my idea.

We all laugh including Khalil.

Khalil: I will see you later [he winks]

Diamond:.........uuuhhhh num num

Morgz: That means YES you will :) Have a nice day.

[Keke grabs my arm and drags me into the dressing room}

Diamond: WHAT??

Keke: What do you mean WHAT? We want details!

Morgz: Exactly now explain!

[I look at the TV and the stage is empty]

Diamond: Is the show over?

Keke: Yes, but that doesn't stop you from giving us details!

[There is a knock on the door]

Diamond: I WILL GET IT!!

[I run to the door and open to find Ray, Roc, Prince, and Prod]

Princeton POV:

Princeton's thoughts: I have to do it before it is too late!! It won't be that hard. Breathe...inhale exhale.

[Diamond opens the door]

Ray: Did you see our performance? 

Morgz: Yes we did over energetic child!

Ray: Who are you calling a child? I am older than you!

Morgz: Boy do NOT start with me! Diamond you better get your man!

[Diamond gives Morgz a WTF you say that for look]

Keke: You guys were great! Prod what was that little outburst on stage for?

Prodigy: [Looks at Diamond] Well there is this girl I like that was here tonight and I just wanted her to know I like her.

Keke: Who? Do we know her?

Prodigy: umm no

Morgz: Mhm...sure

Roc: [Sits on the couch next to Morgz] So what did you think of the show?

Morgz: It was good like always! [blushes]

[Diamond is taking crazy pictures with Ray and Prodigy in the mirror]

Princeton's thoughts: Now is my chance!

Princeton: Keke can we talk for a second?

[Everyone stops what they were doing and turns to look at me and I shrug]

Keke: Sure [We go out into the hallway] What's up?

Princeton: There is something I think I should tell you.

Keke: What is it?

Keke POV:

Keke's thoughts: OMG OMG!!!! What is he going to say?

Princeton: I really like you. I have for a while now and it would mean the world to me if you would be my girl!

Keke: OF COURSE!! [I jump up and hug him tightly]

Princeton: [Relieved] Well that went better than I thought it would haha

Keke: Did you think I would say no?

Princeton: Yeah I did. You are just so gorgeous and you could do so much better than me. And -

Keke: Stop! I have liked you before we even became famous! This is a dream come true for me.

[He kisses my lips softly. Then he looks into my eyes]

Princeton: Well I am glad I am your prince charming and you are my princess :)

Keke: [giggles]

[Princeton opens the door to the dressing room and we both go in.]

Ray: Uh-Oh Princeton made his move!

Morgz & Diamond: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!

Keke: YES!

Princeton: It's official...We are now a couple.

Roc: What about Babydoll?

[Morgz hits him upside the head]


Prodigy: You dumbass!!!

[I look at Princeton]

Princeton: We can talk about this later babe.


What happened with Babydoll and Princeton?? Is Princeton Mr. Right for KeKe?

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