Can You Feel the LOVE Tonight?! .....Not really

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[The next morning]

Morgz POV:

[I wake up and look at the clock and realize it is 7 in the morning. Then I have the sudden urge to puke so I run to the bathroom and started puking my guts out. Then I feel someone holding my hair back]

Diamond: This must suck being preggers.

Morgz: Yeah it does. You know how it feels.

Diamond: That I do but I never threw up as much as you or ate as much as you!

Morgz: Diamond, I think I am having twins


Morgz: I am serious!

Diamond: Man you really know how to prank somebody.

Morgz: I am telling you Diamond. Why else would I be throwing up so much.

Diamond: Beacause pregnancy is different for each person. Some people just puke up their guts more than others. Now go brush your teeth or something!

Morgz: Well go wipe that off....oh wait never mind. That's just your face!

Diamond: Hardy har har! You are hilarious (sarcasm)

Morgz: You love me!

Diamond: Never said that. I'm craving waffles!!

Morgz: Uh oh someone is cravnig stuff!! What have you been doing with Ray?

Diamond: Who the hell said I did anything with that mother fucking asshole who I could give less than two flying shits about? I don't want to hear that niggas name and I don't want to see his face because if I do then I just might rearrange it!

Morgz: Ummmmm well then. What have you and Princeton been doing?

Diamond: You funny! -___-

Morgz: Well you two have been mighty damn close

Diamond: I don't like Princeton!

Morgz: Sure you don't.

Diamond: OMG I DON'T!

Morgz: Oh you are right because you love him!!

Diamond: Well I do love Prince!......about as much as I love your damn cats!!

Morgz: Well damn you just threw that blaxican under the bus!

Diamond: So?!

Morgz: Sit Diamond. Let's talk!

Diamond: In the bathroom??

Morgz: OMG must you make things difficult. Just sit your ass down!

Diamond: You gone get enough of telling me what to do.

[She sits down on the counter by the sink and I sit on the edge of the bathtub]

Morgz: Now what's going on with you and Princeton really?

Diamond: Nothing is going on! 

Morgz: Don't pull that bullshit!

Diamond: I don't know what's going on! He likes me.

Morgz: Do you like him?

Diamond: I love him Morgan! Like I actually love Princeton! Now I feel like I need to wash my mouth with soap!! BLEEEHH!!! I can't believe I just said that!

Morgz: But it's true isn't it

Diamond: Yupp...sadly. I just don't want to hurt Keke. That's why I am not letting him get anywhere with me. It just isn't worth hurting her for. No guy is worth hurting my sister for.

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